Blogs from Seoul, South Korea, Asia - page 3


Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Insadong August 20th 2018

Dear All Greetings from Seoul! My final stop on my adventures this summer. I am glad to have arrived here, and feel quite proud of myself for having made it overland and independently from Tokyo to Seoul, having seen some amazing places and had some amazing experiences on the way. It is from Seoul, on Wednesday, that I fly back to my beloved England, and settle into my everyday life again once more, rejuvenated no doubt from having explored yet another corner of the world, and learnt just that bit more about this beautiful planet upon which we live. I am also feeling tired now, and am looking forward to some lovely days of rest in my lovely home, enjoying the post-trip contemplation stage of what has really been a memorable trip. I believe I last ... read more
Bukchon Hanok Village
Lotte World Tower

Asia » South Korea » Seoul August 20th 2018

It was as sweltering as ever when I caught the train from Suwon back to Seoul early Thursday afternoon. Then it was the tortuous process of getting to my hotel. The Seoul metro has much to recommend, but where it falls short compared to the London Tube is the vast distances between interchange stations. Often you feel like you are not so much changing lines at the same station, more walking all the way to the next one, especially when towing heavy luggage. Finally I get to Hotel Creto Myeongdong (all-white modern furnished rooms, but with squeaky air-conditioning) situated behind the Sejong where I stayed previously in Seoul. In the evening, I’m in Hwa-dong, an area of cobbled pedestrian streets full of artisan eateries. Here I finally meet up with Hye-Sung at Kiwa Taproom for craft ... read more
One of many chimaek
Seoul, as seen from Lotte World Tower
Kimchi fries and galbi short rib tacos at Vatos

Asia » South Korea » Seoul August 12th 2018

The start of Grand Trip 2018 didn’t get off to the most auspicious of beginnings. Prior to departure I already had to abandon the Vladivostok leg of the plan due to visa issues. I was supposed to meet up with a friend on my first night, but he had to leave early for the US on business. So I made alternative plans to take in a baseball game Friday evening, however my flight arrived nearly three hours late. And by the time the ball game started I was still on the train into Seoul. The capital of South Korea may seem like one of those overcrowded metropolis’s that form the basis of dystopian nightmares. In actual fact it is amongst the friendliest places I’ve been to and one of the easiest to get around. Except that ... read more
Baseball at the Gocheok Sky Dome
Dongdaemun Design Plaza

Asia » South Korea » Seoul August 11th 2018

Rano behnutie na ranajky do blizkeho obchodiku. Tentoraz som si dal po dlhej dobe sendvic. V lobby dopisovanie denniku a vytvoreny zhruba plan pre koreu : 12sokcho 13 sokcho 14 andong 15 andong 16 gyepngju 17 gyeongju 18 busan 19 busan 20 busan 21 busan 22 jeju 23 jeju 24 jeju 25 jeju 26 mikpo 27 mokpo 28 jeonju 29 jeonju 30 suwan 31 suwan 1 soul 2 soul 3 let Len rozmyslam nad tym jeju, letecky to je cul za 33€, lod skoro rovnako len s tym, ze to je nocna, by som usetril za ubytko. Uvidim casom ale asi dam tu lod. Lety z kl a bkk do ja mega drahe, nad 1100€ ale nekukal som to moc podrobne, bo nahovno net. Zid co prisiel vcera nakonec bol v dakom klube a vraj super. ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul August 10th 2018

Rano sa nakoniec rozhodujem, ze ostanem v tomto ubytku. Na recepcii mi dali vyssiu cenu o 6€ ako na agode. Sam recepcny (robos) mi odporucil nech to kupim cez agodu. No musim zmenit 4dorm za 8dorm a cena rovnaka ako za 3noci, no cul len 2noci. Vikendova prirazka. V meste som nasol lacnejsie ubytko o 2€ ale fakt uplne na druhej strane. Zbalenie, batoch nechani na recepcii a busom smer do np bukhansan. Vonku zas mega teplo, chuj som sa zabudol natriet. Cesta busom zhruba 40min. Neskor pristupili dochodci co idu tez turistikovat. Info centrum uplne ubohe, len jedna mala budka. Kukam do a robim plan. Wonhyobong je moj ciel, nikto touto cestou nejde iba ja, vsetci idu priamo na najvyssi vrchol baegundae (835m). Odbacam teda dolava a mostikom pokrytim gumovymi pasmi idem po fajn ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul August 9th 2018

Uf kino sa nachadza skoro hodinu cesty od mojej stanice. Idem teda s jednym prestupom prazdnym metrom az na stanicu Nowon Station. V metre dobijam kartu na jazdy. Na kazdej stanici som so vsimol specialny vyklenok s plynovymi maskami. Nie, ziadna ozdoba ale realne masky. Zrejme ak by sa rozhodol zautocit stryko kim. V casti nowon vyskove budovy, kopa obchodikov, fajn pesia zona so sochami pre turistov. Vonku opat peklo, kotvim do obchodaku. Na 10 poschodi je kino. 9 patri jedlu a ostatne obchodikom so vsetkym moznym. Cs bude meskat, tak jej pisem, ze mi zobere zmrzlinu. Suhlasi. Niektory ludia si tu kupuju listky v automatoch, iny u pokladne. Kino rovnake ako u nas v obchodakoch, nesmu chybat pukance, nachos. Prichadza cs vo fajn satach. Neskor aj friends. Tipujem dve 50rocne korejky. Spolu navstevovali kurz psychologie. ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul August 8th 2018

Skory budicek uz o 6.30 a smer metro stanica Oksu Station. Pipam kartu, robim jednu zmenu linku a cca po 45min som na mieste. Do stretka mam este pol hodinku. Okolie nic moc, len prekvapili polievajuce auta uz takto skoro. Polievali cestu, bo teplo je svina. V 711 kelinkova polievka. Na stanici kochanie sa korejkami ale ocny kontakt neopatovali. Zrejme klasika ako ostatne sikmooke hlavne mesta. Kazdy sa stara len o seba a na okolie nereaguje. Prichadza cs, ideme cez cestu kde je free pozicovna bicyklov. Vypisujem lajstro, ako adresu davam cs adresu. Zalohu nechavam moj druhy pas, vyberam si stroj a mozme zacat sportovat. Free bicykel je gratis na 3hodiny, dotuje to mesto. Ideme cyklotrasou popri spinavej rieke Hangang. Cyklotrasa velmi dobra, kopa cyklistov. Popri su outdoor telocvicne ale moc ludi tu necvici. Prechadzame mostom ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul August 7th 2018

Imigraciou prechadzam s mensim zdrzanim. Nefungoval im pc, tak som sa musel presunut k vedlajsiemu stoliku. Po vystupnom razitku, vsak stale neopustam imigraciu. Je tu natiahnuta retaz, tak colnicka opusta svoje stanoviste a uz som pred gate. Peach ma povoleny 10kg prirucnej batoziny, pri vazeni som mal 9.9kg ale dost jedla a vody. Samozrejme to bola saskaren tak ako v sappore. Bo pred gatom nikto nic nevazil, takze v pohode sa dalo letiet s nadvahou. Povodne som myslel, ze si zdriemnem ale nechcelo sa mi. Pri gate free automat na vodu ale na horucu. Tak voda s tazkostami docapovana z fontanky na pitie. Potesili zasuvky pri sedackach. Do lietadla nastupuju najskor ludia co sedia na A a F sedackach. Toto som videl prvy krat, inak sa nastupuje bud od zadu alebo od predu. Ja nastupujem medzi ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul July 8th 2018

Korea is a super cool travel destination and should be high on the bucket list for lovers of travel. The home of K-pop is an all singing, all dancing extravaganza and a must see for travellers visiting Asia. It's been a long held dream to revisit this wonderful country, it's thrilling to be back after many years. It's clear the Koreans haven't been sitting on their hands in the last few decades, as first impressions of Seoul leave me wide eyed and very impressed. The Korean economy is an economic juggernaut, with the wealth generated evident throughout the Korean capital. Despite the ongoing threat caused by the aggressive posturing of the North Koreans, the demilitarised zone just sixty kilometres north seems a world away from the bustling and energetic lifestyle enjoyed by the citizens of Seoul. ... read more
Palace entrance
Ceremonial guard
Gyeonbok palace

Asia » South Korea » Seoul June 5th 2018

Have you ever heard the tale of the 6 blind men who "saw" an elephant? (A terrific reading of this poem can be heard at, and I recommend you listen to it for the sheer pleasure of the reading if you have a little time (2:22) to spare. As we have travelled through many countries in the last few weeks, we've seen bits and pieces of each one, largely the exteriors of buildings accompanied by the commentary (historical and otherwise) of local guides. We've had a terrific time, I think we've learned a lot, and we're so motivated now to read far more of European history. But I also realise that we have "seen" no more than the blind men or than what amounts to a few dots in a pointilliste painting, so I have ... read more
Woman shelling peas while offering her vegetables for sale on the footpath.
Steamy dumplings at the Namdaemun Markets fairly close to Seoul Station.
The markets were made up of many streets and alleyways of tiny shops selling clothes, umbrellas, gadgets, food--you name it.

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