Korean Wedding

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Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Jung-gu
June 19th 2011
Published: June 24th 2011
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When I first arrived in South Korea, I met this guy named Andrew. Andrew is originally from San Diego, California and has been living in Paju city at English Village for nearly four years. He's become an icon around here as his job is scheduling. He literally coordinates the weekly schedule, every week for all programs, all teachers and all missing or sick personnel. Over the first six months, we mainly played sport with him at the gym but in the last five months he's become a good friend.

Only having met his fiancee a few times, we've tried connecting outside of the work-week to enjoy dinners, concerts and sporting events. But with all things in life his commitments to his fiancee Ju Ree and preparations for his wedding day have been getting in the way.

Yesterday, we were able to attend his wedding at Korea House which is a traditional theater, events hall and restaurant. The entire grounds are set in a traditional hanok style building. Deep black roof tiles with wooden slatted doors and windows. An elegantly beautiful courtyard with the traditional out-buildings. The grounds here are immaculately clean with budding trees, flowers and two sitting ponds.

But what words cannot describe photographs and a video can.
Congratulations to Andrew and Ju Ree. We wish you both well on your honeymoon in Europe and best of times to come in the future.

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


Newlyweds Newlyweds

JuRee + Andrew

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