Korean Cookery Classes Spring/Summer

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April 13th 2013
Published: August 14th 2013
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Week One: Bulgogi (불고기)Week One: Bulgogi (불고기)Week One: Bulgogi (불고기)

Stir-fried beef marinated in bulgogi sauce. The teacher's version.
Back to cooking school I go! After really enjoying my first cooking course at the Institute of Korean Royal Cuisine, I signed up for the spring and summer course that they offer. The dishes would be different to those that I had previously learned. This course lasted nine weeks like the other one. Each week we learned how to make three different dishes. The weekly menus were devised so that the dishes could be eaten together as a whole meal, or you could just have one dish by itself if you wished.

Each class follows the same pattern; the first hour we watched the chef demonstrate how to make the dishes. The chef usually speaks in Korean and there is a translator to translate and ask any question we have. We are also given recipe cards to follow along with, and add our own notes to. Then we recreate the dishes as groups of three or four, and then once it is all ready we sit down to eat as a big group. And yes we do have to clean up afterwards. 😊

Week One: 13th April

Bulgogi (불고기) stir-fried beef marinated in bulgogi sauce. Bulgogi originated
Week One: Oi Songsongi (오이송송이) Week One: Oi Songsongi (오이송송이) Week One: Oi Songsongi (오이송송이)

Fresh cucumber kimchi. The teacher's version.
from Neobiani (너비아니). It is different from neobiani, as neobiani used thickly sliced meat and bulgogi uses thinly sliced meat. Bulgogi is also cooked after being marinated in bulgogi sauce. Pear juice is used in the marinade as it helps digestion and tenderises the meat. Bulgogi is generally severed as a main dish.

Oi Songsongi (오이송송이) fresh cucumber kimchi. A firm favourite of mine. In the old days of the Joseon Dynasty, kaktugi (radish kimchi) was called song-song-i. In Oi Songsongi the cucumber (oi is cucumber in Korean) is diced like kaktugi.

Kongnamulguk (콩나물국) soybean sprout soup. Kongnamulguk is a clear soup enjoyed by many Koreans. It is very good for hangovers as soybean sprouts contain aspartic acid.

Week Two: 20th April

Jeon (전) are panfried goodies. 'Jeon' is a unique method of cooking in Korea. It is also called 'Jeonyouwha' or 'Jeonya'. Jeon used to be prepared for memorial services or festivals in the olden days. Jeon is still popular today with both young and old, as it is tasty and an easy to eat finger food. There are many types of jeon used making different vegetables, meat, and
Week One: Kongnamulguk (콩나물국) Week One: Kongnamulguk (콩나물국) Week One: Kongnamulguk (콩나물국)

Soybean sprout soup. The teacher's version.
fish. We made three types of jeon. Ehobakjeon (애호박전), which is pan fried green or summer squash coated with egg. I could eat this all the time, I love it. Putgochujeon (풋고추전), pan-fried stuffed green chillis. I had never had this before but I loved it. It was delicious. Saengseonjeon (생선전), pan-fried fish fillet coated with egg. You can use flounder, cod, sea bream, plaice or pollack. Jeon is served with Choganjang (초간장) a vinegar and soy sauce dipping sauce.

Dwenjangjjigae (된장찌개) soybean paste stew. This is another of my favourites. Dwenjang is soybean paste and is a traditional seasoning in Korea. It is made as a thick sauce from ripened and fermented soybeans.

Week Three: 27th April

Sundubu (순두부) hand-made bean curd. Sundubu is a natural food made from soybeans. Koreans love sundubu, dubu (or modubu, drained and pressed sundubu), and biji (soaked and squeezed soybean leftovers). Sundubu is silky, nutty, and easily digestible, so it is good for toddlers, children, the elderly, and medical patients. Originally, sundubu was only served hot with dressing. But nowadays people make spicy sundubu stew with clams, oysters, and pork. Sundubu goes well with any side dish as a
Week One: Bulgogi (불고기)Week One: Bulgogi (불고기)Week One: Bulgogi (불고기)

Stir-fried beef marinated in bulgogi sauce. Our version.
good source of nutrients. We also pressed the leftover sundubu and made it into dubu. There is nothing like fresh tofu, a million times better, than anything you can buy in the shops.

Dwejigogijim (돼지고기찜) pork and kimchi stew. This stew is a combination of two popular foods in Korea, samgyeopsal (pork belly) and kimchi. It is spicy, chewy (du to the ddeok) and flavourful. It goes well with cooked rice and sweet vegetable side dishes. This was a new dish for me and it was delicioius. It's a bit like kimchi jjigae, but not as soupy.

Hobak Namul (호박나물) stir-fried korean summer squash. This is a very popular side dish in Korea. The lime green colour of the squash entices people to eat it, and they also enjoy its soft texture.

Week Four: 11th May

Gyuasang (규아상) summer dumplings with beef and cucumber. Another new dish for me. Gyusang are also called Mimando because it looks like a sea cucumber. It is a type of steamed dumpling that was enjoyed in summer by the Royal Court.

Juksun Gyeojachae (죽순겨자채) bamboo shoots and vegetables with Korean mustard dressing. This is a cold dish, kind of
Week One: Oi Songsongi (오이송송이) Week One: Oi Songsongi (오이송송이) Week One: Oi Songsongi (오이송송이)

Fresh cucumber kimchi. Our version.
like a salad, which is made up of several types of vegetables and a spicy mustard dressing. The refreshing, yet slightly spicy dressing works well with the meat.

Ddangkonghodujanggwa (땅콩호두장과) peanuts and walnuts boiled in sweet soy sauce. Nuts are highi ni unsaturated fat, so help lower cholesterol and high blood pressure. This was a great dish, sweet but not too sweet.

Week Five: 17th May

Bibimbap (비빔밥) rice bowl with mixed vegetables and meat. Bibimbap is a nutritionally harmonised meal as it contains several kinds of vegetables and other ingredients. In royal cuisine it is called 'Goldongban'. Bibimnbap originated from the custom of mixing together left over food and then consuming them like that before the new year arrived. The bibimbap was served with yakgochujang (약고추장) and seasoned soy sauce (양념간장). Yakgochujang is so much better than regular gochujang (red pepper paste), as the ingredients are fried with minced beef. Nom nom!

Samsaek namul (삼색나물) three coloured vegetables The three vegetables are Gosarinamul (고사리나물)sauteed fern shoots, Dorajinamul (도라지나물) sauteed balloon flower roots, and Shigeumchinamul (시금치나물) blanched and seasoned spinach. Gosarinamul, Doramjinamula, and Shigeumchinameul are representative dishes used in a Korean memorial service menu. Fern shoots,
Week One: Kongnamulguk (콩나물국) Week One: Kongnamulguk (콩나물국) Week One: Kongnamulguk (콩나물국)

Soybean sprout soup. Our version.
a black vegetable, are a viable and abundant vegetable. They are found throughout the world. Koreans harvest and dry them to prolong their storage. Balloon flower roots are a representative white vegetable dish in Korean cuisine. They contain lots of saponin and many other nutrients, so it is considered as good as Korean ginseng in terms of nutrition. Spinach is used as the representative green vegetable dish in Korean cuisine. By using the quick cooking method of blanching, the spinach retains its nutrients and vitamins.

Muguk (무국) radish soup. This is a representative clear soup in Korean cuisine along with Kongnamulguk. The radish gives a refreshing taste to the broth, so it goes well with heaving sidedishes. It also goes well with spicy dishes as it is clear.

Week Six: 25th May

Dalksanjeok (닭산적) spicy chicken skewer. This dish is more popularly called Dalkkochi in Korea. Dalk means chicken and kochi mens skewer in Korean. This dish is easy to make and nutritionally rich in protein and starch, therefore it is a popular snack or side dish when drinking.

Kimbap (김밥) stuffed rice and seaweed rolls. There are no set ingredients for kimbap and it
Week Two: Jeon (전)Week Two: Jeon (전)Week Two: Jeon (전)

Pan fried goodies with Choganjang (초간장) a vinegar and soy sauce dipping sauce.
is often made with whatever ingredients are available. Korean students rarely go on a picnic without taking a roll or two of kimbap for lunch. Also Korean people habitually prepare kimbap when they go travelling or wish to have a simple meal. Kimbap is popular with everyone but especially with students and youngsters. Nowadays there are many different varieties of kimbap, with new types emerging all the time.

Gyeran Bugeoguk (계란북어국) egg and pollack soup. Pollack is rich in methionine and taurine, which help to refresh and revitalise your liver, and dissolve alcohol. Many Koreans eat this soup to relieve their hangovers.

Week Seven: 8th June

Japchae (잡채) starch noodles with various vegetables and meat. Japchae is a well-known and much loved dish, that is normally eaten in a party setting. 'Jap' means many kinds of and 'chae' means various vegetables. Generally japchae consists of at least five colours: white (egg white and onion), yellow (egg yolk), red (carrot), green (cucumber), and black (meat and shiitake mushrooms). The white represents the west, yellow the middle, red the south, green the east, and mushroom the north. These five colours stand for Obang Saek, which in the traditional
Week Two: Jeon (전)Week Two: Jeon (전)Week Two: Jeon (전)

Pan fried treats.
Korean culture perspective is the harmony of the world.

Baechugeotjeoli (배추겉절이) quick method Korean cabbage kimchi. This dish is quick kimchi and you make and eat it when you have used up all of your fermented kimchi, or are fed up of eating old kimchi. It has a fresh and refreshing taste. It is a cross between kimchi and a salad.

Miyeokguk (미역국) seaweed soup in beef stock. This soup is very popular with mothers, who have just given birth, as seaweed is well-known for its effect on blood purification and breast-feeding. Korean cuisine has various kinds of seaweed side dishes, using different types of seaweed. Seaweed is very good for our diets and relieves high blood pressure.

Week Eight: 15th June

Samgyetang (삼계탕) chicken and ginseng soup with rice stuffing. Samgyetang is a popular Korean summer dish. It is usually enjoyed on the hottest three days of the year. During the hottest period of the year it is easy to lose your appetite and stamina due to perspiration. The harmony of the ginseng, chicken, and other ingredients helps to revive those losses. It may seem
Week Two: Ehobakjeon (애호박전) Week Two: Ehobakjeon (애호박전) Week Two: Ehobakjeon (애호박전)

Panfried green or summer squash coated with egg
strange, but Koreans believe that they can beat the heat by eating very hot food.

Yangbaechu Kimchi (양배추김치) spicy cabbage kimchi. This is summertime kimchi. Cabbage kimchi is an alkaline food, which is rich in vitamins and calcium. Cabbage has many anti-oxidants that increase the body's resistance and prevent diseases. Cabbage also prevents and helps to heal ulcers.

Kaennipjjim (깻잎찜) steamed perilla leaves with seasoning. I have seen this dish a lot in tins in the supermarket and I have to say it looks totally unappealing. However making it fresh by yourself, I really enjoyed eating this. Perilla leaves are widely used to get rid of off-meaty or off-fishy odours from dishes.

Maneul Jangajji (마늘장아찌) pickled garlic. In Korea garlic has been used as a spice for thousands of years. Garlic is also known as an energetic food and helps to build up stamina. When eating garlic with meat, it helps you to absorb B1 vitamin from the meat and removes the smell of fat.

Week Nine: 22nd June

Samgyeopsal (삼겹살) grilled pork belly. This is another extremely popular dish in Korea. The grilled meat
Week Two: Saengseonjeon (생선전) Week Two: Saengseonjeon (생선전) Week Two: Saengseonjeon (생선전)

Pan-fried fish fillet coated with egg
goes well with an assortment of vegetables and sauces. The vegetables are served as wrappers for the meat, and this symbolises the wrapping of fortunes. Ssam Sang (쌈상) are the vegetables to eat samgyeopsal with. Lettuce, sesame leaves, and steamed cabbage leaves are used as wrappers for the meat. The chilies and garlic are added to the meat in the wrapper, eaten alone, and or cooked on the grill. We served four dipping sauces with our samgyeopsal; , salted shrimp (새우젓), ssamjang (쌈장), yakgochujang (약고추장), and sesame oil and salt dip (참기름소금장).

Jaeyukgui (재육구이) stir-fried pork with chili paste sauce. This dish is also known as jaeyukdeopbap, when it is served on a hot plate. It is a representative chili paste stir-fry dish. In this dish the chili paste reduces the off-taste of the pork. This dish is rich in flavour and testure.

Jogaetang (조개탕) clear clam soup. This soup is quick and easy to prepare. Clams have a refreshing taste and they are also good at relieving tiredness.

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Week Two: Putgochujeon (풋고추전) Week Two: Putgochujeon (풋고추전)
Week Two: Putgochujeon (풋고추전)

Pan fried stuffed green chillis.

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