Seoul Day 5

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Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Insadong
September 9th 2012
Published: September 14th 2012
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My final day in Seoul was, I'm afraid to say, super quiet, so not brilliant blog material.

I headed for Insadong, the main tourist district and drank in the sights and sounds of the bustling shopping street, including a little annex called Ssamziegil ("ssam-zhee-gill" with soft zh sound, think "je" in French). Ssamziegil is full of little arts and crafts and trinket shops, arranged around a courtyard and over four floors. My real reason for going (other than my inherent passion for shopping, which you all know well) was to try the "poo bread", or toasted sweet bread with red bean paste in the middle in the shape of.. you guessed it, a turd. Quite delicious, if a little disturbing to eat...

After wandering round Insadong for a bit, stopping for a coffee at the Korean coffee chain The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf (sound familiar, anyone who has been to the US? *caution, geek point* I swear that their IP restrictions here are so lax - I see brandname and logo imitation everywhere, particularly with the coffee shops, I suspect there is no centralised register to protect foreign brands, either that or the US firms were slow off the mark), and wandering some more, I headed back to Myeongdong, the shopping-restaurant district, and ate noodles at a Korean noodle place (so Korean that the restaurant name wasn't even in Latin lettering - but they were nice to me all the same). Lovely, but filling - then back to the hostel to pack and prepare for the next stage... Andong!

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Insadong StarbucksInsadong Starbucks
Insadong Starbucks

traditional style
Meungdong noodle placeMeungdong noodle place
Meungdong noodle place

damn good noodles

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