3rd Day: Insadong and Miss Lee cafe

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September 11th 2012
Published: March 25th 2012
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The basket of paper and pensThe basket of paper and pensThe basket of paper and pens

It is given to customers to write a message and hang it the tree
Today is the first day where I actually go out and see something from Seoul Korea. When I woke up I had a quick shower and dress and packed my day pack. What I took with me was a bottle of water, camera, phone, Ipod & earphones, money and a cardigan (in case I get cold).

Sandra came to my room at 10:30am and we went to get breakfast together. She took me to a subway station near my hotel and bought tickets to go to Insadong, a district of art galleries and museums and traditional Korean street food, snacks and drinks. They also sold unique souvenirs, hand-made cutlery, hand-made jewelries and different art and craft supplies.When we arrived, we exited gate 5 and started to was down the street and into a large alley way. We were planing to go to a famous little cafe here called Miss Lee Cafe, a cute little cafe that sells coffee, tea, ice cream and the famous lunch box meals. We entered the cafe to see a huge tree with little papers with messages hanging on it. The waiter lead us to our table and gave us the menu. I wanted to try the lunch box meal and lemon tea. Sandra ordered sherbet ice cream with raisins, all sorts of nuts, peaches, banana, cherry tomatoes, kiwi, mochi, red bean, jelly, gummy sweets and many more that I can't remember and the Korean fried snacks. When i got my lunch box and broth (boiled pork bone soup. It was complimentary), I opened it and saw rice, kimchi (seasoned cabbage. Also is something that EVERY Korean must know how to eat), sausage, seaweed and a fried egg. The waiter advised me to close the box, shake it then eat it. That was an interesting way to eat but it tasted delicious. When we were finished, the waiter came with the receipt and a small basket with paper and pens. Sandra translated to me saying that I should write a message and hang it on the tree. What i wrote on the paper was: '미스 이 카페 화이팅!~' which literally means 'Go Miss Lee Cafe!' Altogether including my lunch box and lemon tea, and Sandra's ice cream costed ₩15000 which was about $15 AUD.

After breakfast, we started to wander the streets of Insadong. It was so cool, looking at so many things that was made by hands and not by giant machines. I saw these really cute wooden earrings and bought about 4 of them. I also bought a wooden ladle for my mum and a pair of metal chopstick and spoon for a friend back in Australia. I purchased a beautiful Hanbok (a Korean traditional dress made of silk) and a pottery pot. We spent over 4 hours just walking around Insadong until it was almost 5 o'clock. We headed back to the subway station andn took the subway back to my hotel. After Sandra left my hotel room, I took a shower, ordered some kimbap (sushi) from room service and watched a Korean drama called 'Dream High' and went to sleep.

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