I'm digging my new digs

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Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Hongik
August 27th 2009
Published: August 27th 2009
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Wanted to show you where I'm staying for the next few days- BeBop Guesthouse in the Hongdae area, one stop down the line from Sinchon. I got a taxi here on Wednesday morning and almost made it all the way without issue, but then the driver got lost. So I quick called up and asked for directions and one of the owners, MK, actually came out to the street corner to meet me. He helped me get my big bag inside too. Thankfully my four person female-only room is on the first floor. I don't want to imagine what it would have been like trying to get my bag upstairs. Oy.

It's got a very cool, hipster vibe that I've missed for the past couple years in my travels. The last time I was in a hostel was in Europe. There are lots of movie posters on the walls of BeBop and it's got a certain artistic appeal in the rest of the interior design. There's a definite Asian influence in the removal of shoes at the front door. The bathroom is big and clean, and reflects the aversion to the use of fabrics and drapery that I've seen during my time in Korea. There's no separate shower with a curtain or anything, just a drain in the middle of the floor to catch the water. Curtains just aren't really big in Korea I guess.

It's a short distance from the metro stop and the Hongdae area, which is very convenient. The other guests are really friendly too and so are the owners. Definitely glad I found this place. Hostelworld.com comes through again!

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