Bau house near Hongdae

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Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Hongdae
July 26th 2011
Published: July 26th 2011
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ok so the last few days have been much more chilled then the previous couple of weeks. everything is slowing down and everyone is pretty tired, but graduation is soon and hopefully we'll be going out to somewhere like hongdae or itaewon to celebrate 😊

last night i went to a dog cafe in hongdae (although we got off a stop before). apparently its on the seoul tourist website so it's pretty popular, more white people in there then in the cat cafe in hongdae i went to in the first few weeks.

i'm so used to weird and wonderful things, and the dog cafe just felt completely normal. a cafe (3 floors up) that was full of dogs. big, small, fat, friendly, naughty. there were corgis and huskeys and labs, everything! it was free to get in (unlike the cat cafe) but you had to buy a drink so i got an iced tea for 5000W (2.90) and we got some dog biscuits too! it was really nice to do something in the evening that didnt mean bar hopping and being out in the rain. it was actually really nice and i'd recommend people to go if you're not up for drinking at night or you're bored of paris baguette (for those who don't know its a chain of cafes in seoul that often having young couples canoodling everywhere).

graduation in two days! and its still raining sigh.

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