cat cafes, seoul tower and flesh eating fish

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July 7th 2011
Published: July 7th 2011
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Cat Cafe-

Located near Hongdae station, exit 7? If you want to go write down cat cafe in korean and there will be many students hanging about the station willing to show you to it (as we experienced a few days ago!). Anyway after a few hours of searching and getting lost we finally get the right subway stop and right alleyway and find the cafe of cats (n.b opens at 1pm!). We walk in and yes, we are inundated with cute. Overwhelmed by kitty love. it cost us a mere 8000W to hang out at the cafe and this also included a drink- I went for iced tea, Tina went for green tea latte. Ohhhhh how I was wooed by the charm of the kittens. I was surrounded by 15 year old girls, infatuated by the excitable little balls of fur. Cat cafes are not particularly touristy, so many koreans might not have heard of them. If you're planning on going make sure you do a little research and grab the address.

NB. don't pick up kitty, you'll get told off.
bring your own toys, they cost like 2000W and you can get them from the surrounding area
get there early, the cafe is small!
don't bring guys, they will feel super gay.

Flesh Eating Fish-

So in Gangnam there is this cafe where you can stop by for a slightly expensive cup of coffee, but also dip your feet in a little tank of fish. They eat the dead skin of your toes and leave them all nice and clean. So I've heard. As soon as I put my feet in the water I was traumatized, and immediately retracted but everyone said that once they got used to it, it was a surprisingly peaceful experience. I beg to differ. The cafe also provided us with unlimited free bread including sweet potato bread and this weird grey bread, and free filter coffee? I can't remember what it's called but I'm sure it's googleable.

Game Board Cafe-

Ok so after BBQed meat meal, we ran through the rain to a little board game cafe in the area. It was 3000W (or 2000W if you bought a drink) per hour with unlimited games. There were osme amazingly weird, korean board games and then the classics such as monopoly, scrabble etc etc. Such good fun, esp. in the monsoon season. Worth a look if you're looking for some nerdy korean fun.

Seoul Tower-

Ok so amongst hanging out with koreans and doing stuff that normal korean teenagers do, I want to do all the touristy things too so a few days ago me and some friends went to visit the n tower. In the guide books it says to get a cab or the cable car. We got the bus which was a fraction of the price. The bus is easy to spot once you're out of the subway station, it'll have the tower on it, and it's also the last stop on the line. I must say I've been up a few towers in my life and I'm not a massive fan of the whole ordeal but I did it anyway to tick off the list. The tower was not my cup of tea but the company was good and the meal after was worth it. We ate at a tiny little restaurant in Naksundae where they provided free kimchi and miso soup. I had beef which has been boiled in both and rice and others had stuff like squid in pepper sauce, noodles, and sausages with omlette.

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9th July 2011

It sounds amazing still... I would still go to the kitten cafe despite your recommendation for boys to avoid it. I found out this morning that I'm not going to be leaving til at least december. I've been in such a bad mood since. I have to potter around Shoreham aimlessly looking for unexceptional employment. Pah. I wish I was there with you xx
9th July 2011

i want you to be here too :(

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