Christmas with my Son in South Korea

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December 19th 2009
Published: October 31st 2010
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20th December 2009

Okay, I’m now on my way to South Korea, got a lift to Heathrow Terminal 4 by lovely Jodie, left at 5am, due to the cold weather in England, it’s been very bad snow around London for the past 3 to 4 days so leaving early was a good choice.

First time in Terminal 4, and it was very clean and tidy too, good lay out, many people as you would expect at any international airport. Lots of queues to book in, but lucky for me Jodie spotted that I was at to check in at desk 74, and would you know it, it was free, how cool is that, no queuing, I was so pleased. Said my goodbyes and headed for the security check-in. Got on the plane and then we were told a delay of 2 hours, then a delay of unknown hours, then advised to seek an alternative route, I just sat back and put on my noise canceling headphones, which I would find out later work so much better when the plane is flying as it reduces down the background noise of the plane.

Okay after just a two hour delay we set off iPhone fully charged and Podcasts fully loaded, a short hope to Amsterdam. Upon arriving in the Schiphole airport I quickly went to book in for a massage, 30 minutes body and 15 minutes foot, it was lovely I fell asleep and the 15 minute foot massage turned in to 30 minutes, as the masseur thought I had booked 30 minutes, I was not complaining.

I was fully relaxed and ready for my long journey. I had booked in the day before, and upgraded myself to Economy plus, which gives you more leg room and few more extra perks, only cost an extra £100 so I thought I’d go for it.

The flight finally took off at 8pm local time and was due to land in Seoul at 12:45 local time, so I settled in, I got out my MacBook Air and started watching Addicted to Love, and within 5 minutes of watching the film the air hostess came up and asked if I’d like another seat, further back on the plane, I declined, and then she said would I like to be upgraded.....! Oh go on then I said if you must, so picked up all my belongings and headed to the nose of the 747, you know the bit of the 747 where the posh people get to sit. Yep that is me, the posh person today, or tonight anyway. However my adaptors don’t seem to work on the plane, so only got 2 hours left on the battery. I’m going to have to go and watch my film now and be waited on by the staff, already had one glass of wine.

Watch out Thomas’ here comes your dad.

Just found of the chair has a built in Massage System, I’m in heaven.

21st December

Were did it go, must have slept most of it! Note to ones self, make sure I don’t try to sleep through the jet-lag as it does not work for me. Better if I stay awake longer.

22nd December

Up at 12 noon, oh dear that is a second day of laying in bed. Tom took me to the Seoul Experience, which happens to be closed on a Tuesday, oh well I am Tom’s first visitor and this is our first time out and about. We headed for the shops and did a bit of shopping. I fancied some culture so we visited a small tourist information booth, had a go at speaking to them, not getting very far, so I did the Tom thing and looked at MJ who kindly spoke to the nice lady. We were in luck as she pointed out that a show was on this evening and within walking distance. We took a shortish walk to the Theatre, we were early so went for something to eat. The show was good, started slowly and picked up pace. Tom found it very interesting as many of the scenes clicked in to place for him with what he had been told about the Korean Culture, it was all new to me, so I just sat back and enjoyed the performance. Afterwards we got to have our photos with the cast. Headed home, hot chocolate bed by midnight.

23rd December

Third day, up and out at 10am, with Lucy and Hyeseong, teachers from Tom’s school, they had offered to take us out for the day. Not knowing where we were going, we waited out side for their car to turn up.

We were off to Ganghwa,, and off to a Buddhists Temple called Bomunsa

The main reason for the journey was to visited and take a look at the DMZ, and get a, somewhat distance, view of North Korea, no photos allowed, military out posts all over the place.

It was really nice of Lucy and Hyeseong to take us out of city of Seoul, and it was very much appreciated.

24th December

Quite day, more shopping and travelling around the city, I had arrange that I was going to venture in to the city by myself and try and check out some dancing.

Went back to Tom's for an hours kip. Plan was tonight to go dancing, found a few salsa places to go in Hongik University Station decided to head off about 8pm ish, Tom was off to see MJ in a church show, as Dancing was not his cup of tea I said I would be okay to go alone as I'd find people to chat and dance with.

I travelled on the underground to Hongik University Station, as the name suggests it is one of the university areas in Seoul, and there are quite a few. It was buzzing, so I set off on a task to see if I could get something to eat. Only real issue I had was that Korean share their food, so going to try and eat something by yourself was becoming a tad difficult. I said to myself right just go in to one, so I opened the door of a small restaurant only to be told that they were full. Next one was closing, oh dear not having much luck here. Finally got in to a chicken style restaurant which was quite nice, still you needed to share the food, I had so much food I had to leave most of it.

I then ventured to the Salsa bar, which was not too far away, and had a really good night, got to dance with lots of girls and even won on the raffle too. The clock struck midnight and time to shout out Happy Christmas. Must have left the bar about 2am, Hongik was very quite, with the odd person throwing up after drinking too much. Got in a taxi and then spent the next 15 minutes trying to speak my English Korean to the taxi driver and explaining where I wanted to go back to. Finally after showing him Tom’s address on my iPhone we managed to get the address in to his Sat Nav. How I got back to Toms I will not know!

25th December

Christmas Day! Woke up at 11am, late night dancing last night. Quite Christmas, opened a few presents.

We headed out for the day and ended up in a French restaurant for Christmas dinner, very nice food, more comforting food than anything else. Had a quite Christmas lunch, with Tom, both with out red santa hats on. We seemed to be the only two people in Korea celebrating Christmas.

Played Golf at St Andrews Old Course today with Tom, Screen Golf. Very realistic using PGA Golf. Wooped Toms arse.

Just getting in some pre skiing warm up while in Korea, what is so weird is that while I am skiing you are fast asleep as it is 12:00 here and in the UK it'll be 3am.

Small resort, seven runs, perfect for a days skiing and the snow is lovely too.

It took us 90 minutes from the centre of Seoul to reach Jisan Forest Resort, on a free bus and cost us about £25 for ski hire and lift pass for the day. Makes you think how much the alps are making when the Koreas can do it so cheaply.

Looking forward to February, and skiing with Paul in Austria, even more now, catch up with you when I get back.

Flying back home again, wondering where my travels will take me next, nervous yes, excited yes, mainly as it will be happening soon, for all my life I have been wanting to travel and see the world and now I have the chance and I so want to share it, travelling alone is one thing but to share it would be so special.

Okay now about half way home and I look out of the window and it is dark, huh?  It's about 2pm outside so it should be light.

That being the case we must be far north where the day becomes night, but if that is the case we are some what 30,000 feet so we should be able to see the sun. I'm very confused to and why it is dark.

I can not believe that I went to a noriban, or karaoke bar for the English, a small, well lets say very small room with huge speakers, large LCD screen and a karaoke machine, all Tom’s friends and Tom sang at the tops of their voices, and MJ was very good, I’d almost say like a professional. It's all mad, and has to be seen to be believed.

One of the highlights was visiting a Jjimjilbang (Sauna), it is a public sauna costing around ₩1,000, which is about £5, it was quite an experience, first a male only dunking pools, sauna, steam room and many showers. Tom and I thought that was it, then I decided to take a look up stairs, only to find a mixed area of people relaxing, a cafe, library and what can only be described as warm relaxing rooms, four of them, each one appeared to be hotter than the next. There was one door, that was closed.

Okay they just opened the closed door, what I would call a human oven you have what looks like an oven door you crawl through and you are inside a small room holding about 20 people and around the room is wood giving of a lovely aroma. Within 20 seconds you are sweating. I had to get out to protect my iPhone.

Thomas however stayed in for 2 minutes, and he is so hot and sweating buckets :-)

Jjimjilbang is out of this world, 5 hot tubs, human oven, place to sleep, food and relaxing. All chilled out now, body all hot ready for the snow outside.

Oh now this you have to try, a jjimjilbang, it is a public sauna costing around ₩1,000, which is about £5, you have separate changing rooms and hot tubs, sauna and steam rooms, there are five hot tubs in the male section all different temperatures, from hot to cold, what a feeling.  Also you have scrubbing areas to shave and clean.

Then we headed upstairs and then the real jjimjilbang comes in to play, you have kids running around people laying on the floor relaxing, hot rooms of different temperatures which you can lay down and fall asleep, watch TV, a library full of cartoon books, cafe, kids play area. Everything you could need from relaxing to letting the kids do what they want. 

Well, there seems to be awash of places to eat, and the most comforting I found is Dunkin' Donuts. Could it just be because it is easy, or just comfort food?  Who knows, all I know is I like it. Sitting here with a hot chocolate and pink donut filled with strawberry and custard.

I headed over to the Filipino market, well not much at the Filipino Sunday Market, perhaps it's a little to cold this time of year for the Filipinos, don't blame them really as it is very cold. 

It is however nice and warm on the metro, they have heated seats and the trains are much wider than those in London which provides lots of space, even during the commuting rush hour.

Off to check out Coex, a vast complex of technology markets, shops, cinema and may food outlets, just another shopping centre, but great for technology.

Visiting the Seoul tower, up a hill in the centre of Seoul, Tom and I had a nice meal and watching the city lights in the clear night sky. Very special and amazing.

It's weird, it's as if Christmas has just past us by and forgotten us both. Woke at 11am today, again!

Off to the Olympic Park as the weather is cold but very clear, so if it works out we'll also be going up the tower too, the tower is on a hill in the centre of Seoul and well worth going up on a clear day. Went in to the swimming pool, just to look, very impressive. The spectator area has huge screens that go across to keep in the heat. The seating area is enormous.

Okay spent the day with Tom going around the electronics Market, and the main market in town, we shopped for about 5 hours so I was knackered. Got quite a few gifts so very pleased.

Things I’ll always remember while in South Korea:

Passing money or objects using both hands, or one hand while the other is holding the elbow.
Bowing when you say hello
The small steps that the girls take when in a hurry
All the neon lights
The endearing qualities of all people
Always helping you and providing everything you need and more
Nothing ever too much

All in all I enjoy my time in Seoul, but most of all spending time with Tom.

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