Blogs from Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea, Asia - page 4


Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam January 29th 2010

Day 31/12/09 Jez's Birthday!! After a sleep in and presents... well one and unfortunately Jez was going to have to wait til next April for his round at St. Andrew's. We spent most of the day between the laundry-mat washing our piles of clothes organising all our stuff which seems to be growing by the day what to send home, what carry with us, what to store for our return. We brought in the 2010 with a James Bond themed house-party at Justin and Shea's (our adopted home!), with lots of singing, dancing and games (pin the tail on the donkey has never been so much fun!). It was a fantastic night and fitting end to amazing year! We woke to a mess that put our uni house party's to shame, but couldn't face cleaning until ... read more
He's got the moves
Warming Up!
Juz and James

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam January 26th 2010

I realize that I have yet to post about what I did for the holidays and my weekends in Seoul. Since training week, I have spent a grand total of three weekends in Seoul hanging with my awesome training group. I first went in for Christmas. I took the KTX from Dongdaegu Station ("East Daegu Station" -- the larger of the two train stations in Daegu). I love the KTX (despite the fact that it's a bit expensive) because it takes less than two hours to get to Seoul if you take it. Regular trains a) do not guarantee you seats and b) take 5 hours. The KTX is a lot like the Accela in the USA or the TGV in France. Also, the beverage/snack cart comes through at least twice per ride. And there are ... read more
Fresh Seafood
Street Seafood
Street Seafood

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam December 6th 2009

Apologies for how long it's taken me to update, but I just got internet this morning in my officetel! Let me take an entry to explain how chaotic/fun/harrowing training week was with CDL. So, as you all read, I got into Seoul, South Korea on Black Friday -- November 27th for those of you reading who are not American -- along with my roommate for training week and a fellow NY-metro-area instructor. Annah, my roomie, and I crashed pretty much once we hit the pillows. We held off showering until the next day. We both woke up super early the next day-- I guess you can blame the 20-ish hours of travelling we did. We even made it to breakfast (which ended at 9:30) with time to spare. Breakfast was delicious-- eggs, rice, hot-dog-sausage-things, and fresh ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam November 29th 2009

I am officially in Korea. Right. Now. As you all may know, my flight was on Thanksgiving. I left out of JFK airport in NYC at 12:40 that afternoon. I arrived at the airport with two super heavy roll-on luggage, a duffel bag, and a backpack. Thankfully, the man who helped me with my bags was super nice and didn't weigh them. I proceeded through the metal detector without any problems, and got to my gate about two hours early. I hung around the airport, had an iced tea, and bought an hour's worth of wireless so I could e-mail Steven and let him know that I survived the departure gate. There was this cute little bird there that I wanted to grab-- I guess living in an airport doesn't allow for the proper wear-and-tear of ... read more
Front Door
Hotel Room!

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Samseong August 30th 2009

It's been almost two years since I came to Korea. And sadly it's time to say goodbye and close this chapter in my life and move on to the next. Friday was my last day at work and I moved out of my apartment this afternoon. So technically I'm homeless and unemployed. But I guess I gotta fill you in on life since I last wrote. As I mentioned last time, I made the decision to move back home after visiting a few months ago. After I came back to Korea, life was "easy" knowing what was happening and that I actually had somewhat of a plan. But from that point on I focused so much on what I was going to, the different places, the different people and the future. And never really stopped to ... read more
Busan Trip
Amanda's visit
Kalpesh's visit

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam January 19th 2009

Another year. 2008 went by way too fast, but what an amazing year and as always filled with smiles, laughter, tears, memories, and amazing people. I couldn’t have asked for more. This year will definitely be one to go down in the books. To recap, the last year was spent in Korea. 2008 started in Daegu, finally getting out of the horrible work situation. It’s interesting to see how far I’ve come from just a year ago. The person I was with, the place I was and the person I was. Shortly after the New Year, I left for Seoul and started working for ChungDahm and with it brought so many good things and people, but also some hard times. When I first came to Seoul I met someone that changed a part of me and ... read more
new friends
amandas visit

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam January 10th 2009

We've had a busy few months, filled with holidays and random nonsense. Back in October, we introduced Halloween to our students with pumpkin carving, costume contests and lots of ghoulish decorations. Still, there were reminders that an American holiday cannot simply be transferred to another domain. My personal favorite moment was watching Todd try to carve a pumpkin that maybe, MAYBE, reached six inches in height. The reasoning behind such girth in Korean pumpkins remains a mystery. As for our costumes, we decided to salute two mainstays of Korean culture; Soju, the standard alcoholic drink, and Samgyeopsal, a famous pork dish. We were a huge hit at all the bars, though I think the man dressed as Ramien noodles had us beat. To celebrate Thanksgiving, we intended to eat a gluttonous amount of turkey and fixins. ... read more
We are not freezing, we are not freezing, repeat
Guess who?
Our fave new jazz joint

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam December 18th 2008

Annyong haseyo from South Korea! I have only been here for 10 months, visited 5 countries since living here (Japan, Philippines, North Korea, China and Taiwan) and now I decide to start my own travel blog. Since I am on my last leg of my journey in Korea, I thought I could share some of my experiences with you all. However, I am actually in the process of looking for another job out here - so I may just be out here for a little longer yet ?? Arriving here in March 2008 was strange. I remember coming in to Seocho and seeing lights everywhere, reminding me of what I thought Japan would be like (and indeed was). I was taken straight to my school, and then told that my (free) apartment would not be ready ... read more
Halloween 2008.
80'S Night.

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Nonhyon-dong October 6th 2008

Today i woke up at 7 o clock. I felt really tired. my legs were shaking. Suddenly i reminded china trip with my friends and teacher when i was in grade 9. I was very sick that time so my friends and teachers were helped me and be nice to me. I want my dad to help me... my bag was soooooo heavy.. We start climb up the mountain from the morning. Wow. It was raining. i couldnt believed it.. but there is no other method to go out from the mountain if we dont climb up the hill. I wanted to cry. Bag was heavy and i felt hungry but i wanted to go home. I gained energy from chocolate and i climb up the hill. I was singing and dancing while climbing up the ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam September 23rd 2008

I thought after leaving Daegu the drama would stop. But I guess wherever you go there will be drama and wherever you work there will be political bullshit. Let me start with work. After some stuff that went down at work, I decided to turn down the position of head instructor. There were several reasons, but aside from the politics I had an epiphany and started to think about why I came to Korea. Three reasons: take a break/relax, learn Korean/culture/about family, and make money. I have done nothing since coming here. A few days after my last blog, I got an email from one of my old staff and she told me that one of my residents passed away. It made me think about what happened a year ago and remember why I left for ... read more

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