Last Day in PJ

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Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Ga Jung Gu
June 25th 2009
Published: June 25th 2009
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Salutations. Yesterday was my last day staying at Hotel PJ. Finally went to see Jieun at around 3 up at Anguk station. We went to this place that's apparently a tourist attraction. Bunch of stores and shops, y'know. It wasn't much of a big deal. Meeting her wasn't too awkward. After a bit of walking around, we went to eat (I was starving--remember the last entry?) So yeah, we found the place she was planning for us to go to(i think it was the right place) Dude, Koreans really utilize space. It's like a maze of stores and restaurants everywhere you go. She ordered a huge ass combo-meal type thing. There was beef and fish and mushrooms and a buttload of panchun. I was stuffed. I told her I had to be back around 17:00 though to meet up with Jasmine, so we parted ways. I believe she wanted to show me around her campus(Ehwa University). She goes to an all-female university, studying science education. Something about chemistry--interested in pharmacy. So yeah, that cut our meeting short, regrettably.

I say regrettably because I ended up not meeting up with Jasmine because we decided that I might as well just stay my lastnight at Hotel PJ since I'd paid for it. I could have spent some time hanging out with Jieun instead of sitting in the hotel by myself. On the plus side, I was able to figure out how to work with subtitles and videos. It's actually really easy. I just was noob before when we wanted subtitles for LotR. lame. Jasmine had mentioned that she wanted to watch The Office because she'd heard it's good for something she's working with. It's a small way I can thank her. I downloaded 5 seasons of The Office and most of the subtitles. Almost done.

So yeah, Wednesday was lonely, for the most part, but it wasn't terrible-terrible.


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