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June 22nd 2012
Published: June 22nd 2012
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Last week I didn't post a blog because there was really nothing to post about. The last two weeks have been pretty quiet around here and other than the night that I thought I broke my toe not much else has happened. With our honeymoon trip coming up, along with a friends wedding next weekend we've been trying to save our money and just staying local during the weekends.

Last summer we used to spend some of the warm nights in a favorite restaurant of ours drinking makoli cocktails, a fantastic mix of makoli (white korean rice wine) and fruit blended up until it resembles a smoothie. At the end of last summer though we were sad to see that the place had shut down and thought that our remaining time in Yeosu would be makoli cocktailess, despite how easy they are to make at home.

Well, keeping with familiar routines of business' going in and out of business overnight I'm happy to report that we've found another place with makoli cocktails just down the road. I plan on spending this summer with the alcoholic equivalent of a raspberry smoothie in my hand.

Since we've been Yeosu bodies for the past two weeks, the only other fun thing to happen was having a rooftop potluck last weekend. With the weather promosing to be nice on Saturday we invited some people over to make our own makoli cocktails and share some food in the sunshine. I woke up early and started making some hummus that Jen was going to offer has her potluck dish before heading out to look for some new digs for our friends wedding. After a few unsuccessful hours of wandering around stores and working up a lather of sweat I decided to call the shopping a day and headed home to make my offering.

That evening we sat up on the roof overlooking the apartments and mountains surrounding our place while eating hummus, chicken wings, chips, jambalaya and other such foods. I was on bar that night and was making frequent trips down to the 3rd floor to blend up another strawberry or blueberry cocktail. When the makoli ran dry we headed into Leanne's mix of vanilla vodka, lemonade, and another key ingredient that I'm forgetting at the moment. It doesn't matter though, the important thing is that the slushie style drink was cold and smooth, the taste of summer.

The next day I returned to my shopping duties and found something for the wedding. It should be a good time, a friend who has been traveling through India and Nepal for the last 2 1/2 months will be returning and Friday night should hopefully be a good boys night out if we can get there in time. I'm thinking of just paying up the extra cash and turning the 4 1/2 bus ride into a 45 minute flight bue we'll see.


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