Flooding, torrential rain, thunder and lightning ... are you sure we're in the right place?

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Asia » South Korea » Jeollabuk-do
January 4th 2013
Published: January 5th 2013
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We had one of the most unpleasant bus journey's that lasted about 36 hours to get here.

* The typical mile long queue at the border, where we found a spot of luck and created a new queue and bypassed about an additional 2 hours waiting time

* 3 men and Rach squeezed into the back of a small minibus with very little aircon

* A sleepertrain with some morons from Bedford who blatently did not understand people pay to travel this way as they actually want to sleep... the clue is in the name!!

* A very unpleasant bumpy boat trip that advised us the 'have our seasickness pills at the ready' comforting!!

Finally we arrived, and were upgraded to a rather suave hotel.... we weren't complaining. A couple of nights in luxury was a real treat! It was the only hotel we have stayed in that didn't have the shower pointing directly over the toilet! There was even a bath... what a bonus!

The island was the most touristy we had seen, heaving with western prats who paraded around with their tops off and unfortunately the beach was polluted by rubbish as a result of the extensive partying which takes place here. Don't get us wrong the scenery was stunning, but the pure golden sandy beaches we had imagined, were not to be found, well that is not entirely true but as a result of the extreme weather the waves were crashing in on the beach, bringing a load of debris and leaving nowhere to sit without fear of being drenched.

We did enjoy a stroll on the beach with Sarah and Judith, it was nice to be reunited with old friends. Tom and Judith enjoyed a battle with the waves.

It seemed everyone was stocking up on all the flouresant party gear... we quickly jumped on the band wagon and put our bartering skills to the test, Tom in particular was up against a women who was not up for much negotiation, and was disappointed to lose his battle over a mere 75 pence for his t-shirt.

Torrential rain, powercuts and thunderstorms may have been problems you would expect at home, not what we thought would put a spanner in the works to our party schedule in Thailand!

Having to use our complimenarty umbrellas to get to our restaurant for food, we were slightly concerned the weather was going to be miserable.

Optomistic that it would improve we arrived at the Pier and got into the spirit of the Full Moon and got painted in the custom flouresant body paint. It looked amazing, despite the fact it had been applied under torch light due to the power cut.

We waited in the pitch dark with about 150 other people who pretty much drank the small pier bar dry, there was a brief moment when the rain stopped, and like a mob of wild animals everyone piled out to the boats fighting to get on. One boat was filled and left, filling us with hope that the night was soon to improve. The crowd began to get agitated and chanted 'Put us on the boats'. The clouds opened again, and rain poured down, everyone vacated back to the shelter and the disappointing news was given that no more boats would depart and they were 'saving our lives. Ironically the majority of people were extremely pissed off despite the fact the weather cannot be controlled!

We had a very wet but enjoyable journey back to Ko Samui hanging off the back of a pick up truck, it was evident the extent of the flooding, as in some areas it was so deep it was right up on the pavement to shop doors! CRAZY! It was on this truck we met our future friends for the night, some wild Irish guys who wouldn't let it drop that their friend had knowingly had a bit of fun with a lady boy. He didn't find it too funny but the rest of us thought it was hilarious!

We dried off and headed to join the party on the beach in Koh Samui, it wasn't the Full Moon Party, but we wouldnt have known the difference. Tom had a few too many buckets, which can only be described a rocket fuel, and after Christmas Eve's escapades Rach struggled even to be around the smell of alcohol. The roles were reversed and from early on it seemed evident Tom may need stretchered home!

We saw the New Year in with the most amazing display of fireworks, of which Tom can't remember any!! However, we both couldn't forget the idiocy of a woman on the beach who bought a firework, held it out at arms length amoungst a crowd of people and set it off! Rach actually had a spark land on her arm!!! What a moron!

We celebrated the New Year on at least 4 different occassions, as Tom in his slightly worse for wear state continually asked Rach, 'What time is it?' and with every response of ' 5 past, quarter past, half past tweleve...' he was extremely concerned that we had missed the New Year. By the 5th Happy New Year kiss, Rach's enthusiasm was not quite up to Tom's expectations! It was so funny trying to explain we had already celebrated the New Year.... for the next five years!

There were so many people on the beach there was hardly space to move, the ghost town we had returned to at the beginning of the night was filled with fellow Full Moon Party Goers who hadnt quite reached it, people decided to see in the New Year by taking a swim in the sea.... a nice idea, had we not all have witnessed many a guy pissing in the sea instead of fighting the crowds to get to a toilet. There were loads of children selling glow in the dark merchandise, for some reason they punched Tom every time he refused to buy anything. Losing a thunbsy war to a ten year old was not probably a highlight of his night...

We decided to go to our favourite restauarnt in Koh Samui, Rach propping Tom up for support and dreaming about the Thai curry and mango sticky rice she had looked forward to all night!

We were gutted that it was closed, but delighted when the staff invited us in to enjoy a party with them, and enjoy their food. They had a table spread of food, music blasting and were handing out free beer like it was water. Rach wished it had been water, as Tom definitely didn't need any more beer and Rcah was practically arm wrestling the waitor to stop him pouring any more down Tom's throat. Tom got into the way of things and disappeared off, to continue the party behind the bar.

On the way home, we stopped of to get water, Rach was standing at the counter wondering where Tom was and turned round to see this...

When asked what he was doing "Cooling off...' was the response. This was hilarious!!

On New Years Day we ventured to CRYSTAL BAY Beach, a sensational cove away from the central town and aftermath of the night before. Tom wasn't exactly feeling 'cooly fresh' but we soon discovered the best hangover cure ever... a Thai massage on the beach!

Onto Koh Tao....an island of paradise!!!


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