Energy Park

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August 28th 2015
Published: August 28th 2015
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Energy ParkEnergy ParkEnergy Park

It seemed so familiar!!
So our camp was really, really fun! We went to the seaside and did lots of fun activities in the area.

All of the other volunteers are really nice, and it turns out that I'm the youngest (I'm not even an adult in Korea, even though I'm 19 in Korean age).

We went to a really interesting energy park that seemed really familiar to me until I realized that BAP had filmed an episode of Killing Camp there! Sadly, i only took pictures of the outside...

At night we went out to the seashore and caught crabs and shellfish. I felt a little sorry for them, but in the end I was still strangely fascinated by the activity.

On our way back from the camp, the four of us who are staying at the apartment together didn't know in what direction the bus station was, and we must have looked really confused because this really handsome young man asked if he could help us. He was really nice and brought us to the bus stop and we talked to him a bit before his own bus arrived.

Overall, I am loving South Korea so far and I hope I can learn Korean quickly so I can communicate with people!!


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