Sometimes it's ok to be the typical tourist

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Asia » South Korea » Gyeongsangnam-do » Yangsan
June 8th 2015
Published: June 8th 2015
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A couple of weeks ago, I went to Everland in Seoul with my friend Charles. Everland is basically South Korea's version of Disney with different themed areas, characters, and rides for people of all ages.... just much smaller than Disney. I had heard many people mention different aspects of Everland and decided I wanted to go at least once while I was in Korea.

Usually, I try to blend in as much as reasonably possible in Korea. Unless I am in an area of Busan with large numbers of foreigners, I tend to avoid drawing a ton of attention to myself as 'waygook' (foreigner). I speak Korean as much as possible, I don't take a ton of selfies with normal Korean stuff.... and, when I do take selfies, I don't do the stereotypical 'peace sign' that you see many people doing. Every now and then, however, it's ok to act like a tourist... and that's just what we did!

We took pictures at the entrance of the park and in line for different rides, played the part of Korean tourist, and had a blast. For any one who hasn't gone to Everland, I would suggest it (as long as you like amusement parks!). And, for the adrenaline junkies like me, DON'T MISS THE T-EXPRESS! Check out the safari.

Oh, and if you eat in the German section.... don't bother with the sausage. It's just an over-priced hot dog.

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