Shinsegae and Nampo

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January 6th 2015
Published: January 6th 2015
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Not quite Trevi Fountain... :)Not quite Trevi Fountain... :)Not quite Trevi Fountain... :)

Entrance to Shinsegae from the subway
Just realized it's been almost a month since I posted... oops! So rather than make a bunch of separate posts I'm going to combine a few things 😊

Shinsegae is the largest department store in the world... and it's right here in Busan, South Korea! I had read about this before I even came to Korea and it was definitely on my to-do list. Lucky me, I accomplished that item within the first couple of weeks 😊 I went with another English teacher here, Kendra, and we spent the afternoon exploring the store and everything it had to offer. It wasn't Christmas yet so decorations were every where... and I was loving it!

Shinsegae at Centum City has like 8 floors of stores, restaurants, and fun. There is a movie theater, an ice rink, tons of restaurants / choices in the food court, more sweets and desserts than I even know what to do with, and stores with famous names like Louis Vuitton and Gucci to ones I had never heard of. There were some pretty impressive sales and I bought myself some goodies (why not?!) to bring home. I was very excited to find both Yankee
Wine HouseWine HouseWine House

Now that's my kind of store!
Candle AND Woodwick here! Not to mention a Dunkin Donuts, which my Uncle Randy can't even find in Oklahoma... 😊

Nampo is another area in Busan. The Christmas lights were were incredible! I went with a couple of other teachers, Tamas and Alyssa, on the Friday after Christmas and got to enjoy it when the streets were a little less crowded. The lights and decorations were still all over the place so I got to get plenty of photos as well.

Despite what I said about the streets being LESS crowded than usual, there were still a lot of people! Some people in Korea can be very pushy when getting on / off trains and buses or just walking down the street. At first, I continuously tried to move around them so as not to be rude. Eventually, I gave up on that idea and just kept walking straight with Tamas and Alyssa as much as possible. People bumped shoulders and such but it was better than worrying about dodging around a group of 20 teenage girls.

One thing that I find very bizarre... and drives me crazy, to be totally honest... is

Aka Heaven!
the selfie sticks! For those of you that don't know, a selfie stick is a pole you attach your camera to, hold out and take a selfie (either alone or with some one else). They can be rather inconvenient and the people taking them look quite ridiculous... Bad enough dodging a selfie being taken at arm's length, but a two foot pole? That's just annoying.

((I would add photos of Nampo now but I deleted them after uploading to FB and forgot to save them to my flashdrive. The computer at work is being miserably slow (not to mention a ton of it being in Korean so I can't read what the options say any way) so I don't have the patience to go back and find a way to save all of the photos from FB onto my flashdrive. I will soon though. In the meantime, you can either add me on FB or wait until I figure this out!))

I will try to get one more blog post in today before I leave work, no promises though!

As always, thanks for reading...


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So many choices!
Louis VuittonLouis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton

A store I will never be able to afford. :)

Yet another store I will never be able to afford!
Ice RinkIce Rink
Ice Rink

For parents that want to shop childless (aka hassle free)... haha

Currently playing...

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