Andong international mask festival

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Asia » South Korea » Gyeongsangbuk-do » Andong
October 9th 2007
Published: October 21st 2007
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Hey! hope your impressed ive actually remembered to write this twice in one week!! 😊 well this weekend I headed to Andong to meet with a few other english speakers! ayyayaya! I headed to Andong by bus from Yeongju, the city near to my town, the ride took about 40 minutes and wow do they travel in style, armchairs all the way!! on a bus!! iwas amazed!! It cost 4500w which is about 3 quid one way, and buses are regualr which is good 😊
When i arrived i headed to find a tourist information cos without a map and no korean reading ability fiding my way is interesting!! found the main site and met with my friends id made during training week before we were all shipped out!
The festival was huge! big marquees everywhere, a great mask exhibition from around the world, crafts to watch and participate in, so ye i had to have a go!! made myself a massk and a wooden blocking print ink rubbing to ward off evil spirits!! so spiders i finally have a weapon againt you in my apartment!! (hope it works! had to kil 6 the other night!!!)
On the Saturday we headed to the Hanhoe traditional village the other site for the show, it took about an hour on bus for 1800 w each way. We managed to watch the hahoe dancing, and a traditional japanese dance in the outdoor theatre lined with trees, was really good 😊
nest we headed for dinner, by far the best food ive had, chicken in a bbq style sauce (korean style) and with potatoe pancakes, was gorgeous 😊 see below!! hehehe!!
It was time for the fireworks, traditional korean the advert said!! and in all fairness as usual that means 'with a strange twist!!!' they started hanging lit fireworks on to ropes which stretched from the river shore where we were sat, across the river and up on to the top of the mountain, on a pulley system so they stretched all the way up, this took about 40 mins, once these were lit and marked the path up over the river to the mountain , they then sent a lit up boat down the river with dancers on it. But the best was that after chants of hana, tul, set (1,2,3) they dropped flaming fire balls from the top of the mountain to light the fires below, setting piles of dried trees on fire all the way up the mountain! once thi was complete they set off the 'normal' as we would see fireworks as a celebration!!! was great experience! we ended up black from soot!!
Live music played the entire time out on the river bank and thousands of family sat in awe and shouting in the sequences to encourage more fire!!!
After theyd finished we headed back to Andong for a few beers and soju (traditional rum style drink here) and the obligitory steamed egg!!! which is served with all beers!!! cant even imagine how the british would react if at the royal george we started to serve steamed egg in big bowls with all our drinks!!! you should try it sue!!
Headed back home about 2 am ready for our nice 7am start next day!!!
Up early to get our 'american breakfast!! waffles, maple syrup and bacon!! mmmm how i do miss american brekkies!! hehe!! we then headed back to the site for some more dances, to make me a mask and

Additional photos below
Photos: 67, Displayed: 24


20th October 2007

hey! yes its me! if you read this blog! please leave me a comment so i know your out there!!!!! :) hugs! cer xxxxxxx
21st October 2007

Poor piggy!!!
Wow, what a lot of masks - we have been making masks at school - they will be so jealous when they see these!!!! Spectacular colours - they like to do their festivals in style don't they? I really don't think I fancy dried squid if you don't mind!!! looks like a fun weekend - fireworks and all! xxxxxx
21st October 2007

What amazing photos cer! Looks like a really fun and interesting festival!! I do like the look of the heart shaped waffles....not very Korean though? Loving the peace sign photo! The Japanese do that weird! Missssssss you!!!!!!!
21st October 2007

Even more masks than the markets in SA
Hey darling. So you finally got your pics onto your computer! Must be relieved. Was worth the wait to see them, the masks look fantastic! What was the garlic hand for? Those fireworks look so spectacular Mmmmmm waffles.
21st October 2007

Hi Cer - Some great pics as always. Seems to be some great photo opportunities where you are. I am sure you can do something with them when you get home as its a great insight to their culture! Neil x
22nd October 2007

Dont fancy the squid
Hi what some fantastic pictures yet again all those wonderful masks the colours areb great so vivid. Looks like your having a great time out there they seem to like there festivals and all so different to what we have over here. Not to sure about the fireworks though seems like there could have been a few singed heads of hair with all that going on above your heads I sure the Health and safety people over here would have forty fits. Whats this weekend partying going to be well have fun whatever your doing Hey bet dad liked the stockings !!!!! Keep happy
25th October 2007

wow cool masks
wow that festival looks cool bet you were in heaven with all the brill testiles and stuff! The photos are great the colours cum out really well. Some of the masks must make you feel like you are back at home!! Not sure about some of the food though maybe the egg and beer but not the squid. Keep the photos cumin its lovely to see what you are seeing . Lots of love and hugs XX
25th October 2007

wow hunny im sooooooo jealous, i wanna go to korea to :o( looks like your having an amazing time :o) xxx
28th October 2007

so you had to have a go!!!
hi cer so a bit arty things and your hands are in, bet you left them a mess to clear up? hay like the pig mask would of been good to see you with it on may be an improvment heeee, your pics look great don,t no if i fancy dried squid though. will tell sue about da pouched egg sure be better than those pickled one's behind da bar. do you think the fireworks will catch on over here can't see them dropping fire balls into the river wye someone would object luv da whale x

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