The End and Start of a New Year.

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March 2nd 2013
Published: March 3rd 2013
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OK ok ok…. Haha… Christine has been getting on my case about me absenteeism on here, haha. But in my defense it is the end of the school year here and my kindergarten play was last week…. And the kindergarten graduation was this past week. Ugh… Haha. It has been a lot to deal with. Plus, with the weather being cold I haven’t really done many new and interesting things. But I do have some things to cover in this addition.

So there has been the Lunar New Year, an Aliens themed noreabang, a trip to the Dr.’s, a trip to the zoo, random bar nights, our musical, and graduation. Just to name a few. First off, on Lunar New Year I got a day off, so that’s cool. Haha. But EVERYTHING was closed on that day. SO that kind of stunk. For school my kiddos had to dress in their hanboks and bow to our principal. Kids are required to do this to members of their family that are older than them. It’s pretty cool.

An Aliens themed karaoke place was, as you might think, amazing. Haha… Pictures below.

Yes, I was sick, and still am a little. So I went and saw a Dr. and got a series of pills. Very inexpensive to see a Dr. here.

I went to the Seoul Zoo with my girlfriend a few weeks ago. It was cold out so many of the exhibits were either closed or inside buildings. It was pretty cool, but I want to go back in the spring so I can see more things. The zoo itself is F-in’ huge.

The musical my kiddos performed was my version of the Wizard of Oz… Yes, my version. Haha. I made some creative changed to the play to tray to even up the parts so moms wouldn’t be pissed that their child got short changed. Haha… Ridiculous, I know. Anyways, the musical went very well. All my kids memorized their parts and did an amazing job. They were absolutely adorable too. I have a few pictures and I will try and up load a video of the production. So we’ll see if I can manage to do that.

Then a week later we had our kindergarten graduation ceremony. It was a big day for my kiddos as they moved on to the next step. I am sad to see them leave but I am very happy for them. Stating on Monday I will have a class of beginner English speaking 6 year olds. Ugh… I’m in for a tough month getting these little ones into a routine. But I am looking forward to the challenge. Pictures of them to come soon, hopefully.

A recent development to report… My school has offered me to extend my contract for 6 months. I am probably going to accept it, so my year will reset and start Monday. AHH! Haha… Exciting and a bit nerve racking. I’ll delve into that a little more in my next post once I have all the details. So stay tuned!

On that note, it’s about 545 on a Saturday evening and I need to get ready for another night on the town in Seoul. Ahh, how I love Seoul! Haha… Enjoy you weekends.

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