Blogs from George Town, Penang, Malaysia, Asia - page 3


Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town December 20th 2017

As I write this I'm looking across the road at a small Chinese man sitting on a rickshaw wearing a Santa hat!! Its hot enough that my face is melting so not really very Christmasy. Hey Ho here's wishing you all a very happy Xmas and a great new year. In Malaysia now but leaving for Osaka, Japan tomorrow. Rough plan is to spend 3 to 4 weeks in the Land of the rising sun before moving on to South Korea. Thought I'd visit sharpish before Uncle Kim across the border turns the lot to dust. Will write more from Japan in the next week or so until them some photos of shop fronts (everyone loves a good shop front) a lazy dog and a women who clearly can't read the sign.... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town December 15th 2017

Ipoh, war eine kleine Stadt, aber nichts Besonderes. Anna und ich hatten hier viel geschlemmt. Neben ein paar Sehenswürdigkeiten, wie dem alten Bahnhof, haben wir viele süß gefüllte Teigtaschen verspeist und auch im bekannten Restaurant Lou Wong um die Ecke Halt gemacht um Hühnchen mit Reis und Sojasprossen zu speisen. Ein wenig außerhalb liegt der Kek Lok Tong Cave und ein paar bunte Tempel. Der Garten des Kek Lok Tong Caves ist super schön anzusehen. Eine Einheimische hatte uns auf dem Weg vom Tempel zum Cave mit dem Auto aufgesammelt. Trotz großer Bedenken stiegen wir in ihr Auto. Die Einheimische war Lehrerin, super freundlich und ersparte uns einen 4 km langen Fußmarsch. Mittlerweile habe ich gelernt, dass man auch mal auf sein Bauchgefühl hören kann. Auch einen Flohmarkt hatten wir besucht, bevor wir uns mit dem ... read more
Batu Ferringhi Beach - Georgetown
Streetart vom Feinsten-  Georgetown

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town July 27th 2017

After our few days of Western familiarities it was time to get back on the road. Another bus, another border and we had crossed into Malaysia! Our first stop? The town of Melaka in the southern region of the Malay Peninsula. This is an UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2008 with many museums, historical buildings and structures. We spent a couple of relaxing (and hot!) days exploring and soaking up the atmosphere on Jonker's Walk, a street famous for its markets and cafes. Mau managed to somehow get Donal into a cartoon themed trickshaw for a tour around the town! After a couple of days in Melaka, we were back on the road again - this time to Malaysia's capital, Kuala Lumpur. Similar to Singapore, KL provided access to some home comforts and with its many ... read more
Cameron Highlands tea plantation
Donal dragged me on it!
Spot the tourists, Melaka

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town February 4th 2017

Penang Vi leve nå de glade dager i Penang. Ved ankomst til hotellet fikk vi beskjed om at vi fikk et oppgrader rom. Det kan man si, det er en leilighet på 244 kvm.stue, spisestue, bar, kjøkken to bad og soverom. På kvelden sitter vi på hotellets største balkong og nyter kalde forfriskninger. Andre dagen her var vi på sykkeldrosje sightsing i byen. Fikk fortalt litt historie, sett litt viktige plasser, klokketårn og en flytende "by" ved havna. Som alle andre flytende byer slipper de all kloakken rett ut i havnebassenget... huff det lukter ikke godt! Turen ble avsluttet med afternoon tea på hotellet! Dette var fine greier så Michael måtte skifte før han fikk innpass. På kvelden fant vi ut at vi skulle avlegge et annet område,et besøk. Var ikke sikre på hvor dette lå ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town January 13th 2017

After spending yesterday cooped up in a series of minivans as I made my way from Ko Lanta to Penang, I was ready to explore and walk my socks off today. Breakfast was included at the hostel, so I headed up to the common room to help myself to that. The coffee was strong, just how I like it, so I had to have several cups. Cereal, toast, eggs and spreads were also available, not a bad deal at all. Sun at the guesthouse in Ko Lanta had given me an itinerary of places I should visit in Penang. He had listed two things for each of the two days I would be here. But first things first, I just wanted to have a wander around exploring the streets of Georgetown. I headed out and just ... read more
Masjid Kapitan Keling
Coffee and Cake
Yap Kongsi

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town January 11th 2017

My next destination was again another four hour bus ride to Butterworth where I would transfer onto the public ferry bound for Georgetown - the capitol of Penang. Penang is an island just off the west coast of Malaysia and was a former British Colony,stronghold, and fort. Seems the Brits have former colonies everywhere I travel. And people say the USA is imperialist. I digress. So on Penang I only had one thing in mind - food. The Penang cuisine is renowned worldwide as one of the best. This is again due to the many influences at play (Indian, Chinese, Malay). Seems strange to come to a place just to eat, but it is what it is. I found a cheap hostel and set out walking around the former colony. I again found myself right in ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town September 16th 2016

Staying at Cititel Hotel, Georgetown, lovely hotel in central location. People are very friendly and helpful. the free shuttle called CAT {central area transit} stops opposite our hotel , its stop 7 and there are 19 stops scattered around the area including the Unesco World Heritage area where there are lots of buildings dating back to british colonial times alomgside temples, mosques and churches. all the buses start from the jetty, they're all very clean and air conditioned including the ones that operate outside the free area. Because we're here for over a week we bought a smartpass which gives us unlimited access on any bus 24/7 for one week at a cost of 30 ringgitts, about $10 AUD. We've been up to the National Park which also goes past the beach area of Batu Ferringhi. ... read more
Chinese Chamber of Commerce 1928, Penang.
Penang Hill Railway Station.
British colonial architecture,  Penang.

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town July 25th 2016

Oh Mandalay, you're so hot and hectic, and we really tried to embrace you, but alas we had to leave you... The heat, the crazy busy streets we navigated on bikes dodging semis and motorbikes (no helmets), and lack of sidewalks or abundance of busted/sewer exposing sidewalks all added to the experience. We really did enjoy our time in Mandalay, but it wasn't our favorite place in Myanmar. On the first evening we arrived, we wandered around a bit and did my favorite thing, explored a huge supermarket. We decided to have a night in, our hotel room was quite nice and the market had wine that looked drinkable, convenience noodles (think giant cup of noodles one can buy in China or Chinatown), and chips! Success! The next day we rented bikes and headed to the ... read more
So sweaty - Mandalay
Reality - Mandalay
Happy cow - Mandalay

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town May 8th 2016

We left Cas in bed to sleep as she was feeling bushwhacked. Ed, Hat and I did a tour of old Georgetown and used their street art project a bit like a treasure trail. It was very hot so lots of stops were required to keep everyone from wilting. It surprised me just how much they enjoyed finding the murals.... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town May 8th 2016

Whilst cooling off again in a cafe (where I had a fresh nutmeg juice - bit of an acquired taste), Ed found a brochure to the Upside Down Museum. Such a simple concept and we thoroughly enjoyed it's strangeness.... read more

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