Take it Easy

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May 20th 2015
Published: May 26th 2017
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Forewarning, this may not be the most interesting day to read about but I enjoyed the more relaxing day. It stated early with me catching the train from Nara to Kyoto, then the Skinkansen bullet train to Tokyo from there. I had a good three hours to read and relax. Upon my arrival to Tokyo, I trained over to the part of town known as Ueno. It is the museum district and has a huge park.
After dropping off my luggage, my goal for the day was shopping for souvenirs. I wandered first to a store called Don Quixote which is a bit like a Japanese mini Walmart. I found the Kracie gummy making sets that Jeff (my old boss) had told me his daughter was obsessed with, so of course I had to pick up a few. Then I went to the part of Ueno covered with shops Ameyayokocho (along with pachinko places and girls clubs- the part of town for dirty old men). These shops mostly sold things like purses or clothing. This is not what I was looking for so I grabbed a subway back to the area we stayed in the last time we were in Tokyo, Asakusa. Here I found all the type of souvenir shops I wanted and went to town!
Returning to Ueno I dropped off my bags then went to explore. I walked around the park with the museums and zoo, but choose not to go in any since it was already 4pm and they all close at 5. Instead I went over to the Yanaka cemetery which was very peaceful and green. I saw a girl with a tattoo so that got me thinking about the one I want. I started thinking maybe I want two. One on my right ankle of God and put family on my left. A good representative of the two walking through life with me. At the end was another street filled with shops. This one was known for the cats that hang around the area. Many of the shops picked up that theme, and reminding me of Brett , I had to pick him up some cat figurines. Cats (neko) are considered lucky in Japan. Each color is for something different, I purchased white ones which is luck in happiness.
I returned to Ueno to grab dinner. I tried something new, some deep fried chicken with sauce over rice. I had seen pictures of it before. It wasn't bad, but not the best dish I've had. Getting dark, I decided to head back and not deal with the sketchy area at night. I spent the evening completely repacking my bag with souvenirs and filled my collapsible duffle with my clothes to bring with to Korea. I figured I could leave one bag at the airport and not have to lug it around.
After updating my blog, I called it a night.

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