Monkey Grooming in Ubud

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September 16th 2011
Published: August 3rd 2016
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I was tempted to call this "Monkey Business" but figured that had been overused by now in relation to Ubud's Monkey Forest. Prior to living in SE Asia, I thought that monkeys were the cutest little animals despite all anecdotes to the contrary. They throw poop at people? Noooo. They have vicious claws and hiss if they feel threatened? Noooo.

So, when a little fellow that I had been photographing started climbing up inquisitively, first onto my knee curiously pulling my camera strap, I went along with his curiosity. He took a gander at my shirt and chest – woah dude, no luck there – then curiously climbed up to my hair. My boyfriend was laughing and taking photographs as the little fellow climbed atop my head and started to groom me!

My boyfriend was laughing so hard I’m surprised that his pictures came out clear, and I had to stop the special monkey attention when I felt strands of my tied hair being tugged hard. I realized what had caused the laughter when I saw the photos my boyfriend had taken – I guess grooming out-of-species wasn’t so pleasant for the little monkey as it gagged on whatever it found on my hair. He probably thought I was one of the filthiest monkeys he had come across!

We proceeded to witness monkey lounging, monkey harassment, and a poor woman sexily clad in a very revealing dress holding a massive quantity of bananas that a clan of monkeys were eyeing. We thought she might actually survive as she handed one banana after another only to hear her scream as we walk away and the bananas strewn on the ground as she thankfully survived with little injury. We saw another monkey catch a toad and stood horrified as it proceeded to "play" with it by viciously throwing, catching, bashing, and tormenting the frog -- um -- monkey playing? Another person had a bloody face and we overheard that he had provoked a monkey into attacking.

So, monkeys – very cute – but super sharp claws and not afraid to use them. I honestly don't think I would let another baby monkey climb up into my hair for fear of a mama monkey getting pissed off at me for feeding her baby nasty human hair crap.

Additional photos below
Photos: 16, Displayed: 16


the start of it allthe start of it all
the start of it all

photo courtesy of boyfriend
what's this?what's this?
what's this?

photo courtesy of boyfriend
grooming timegrooming time
grooming time

photo courtesy of boyfriend
dirty hair needs cleaning!dirty hair needs cleaning!
dirty hair needs cleaning!

photo courtesy of boyfriend
there's so much to eat in here!there's so much to eat in here!
there's so much to eat in here!

photo courtesy of boyfriend

3rd August 2016

Monkey memories
Has everyone had this experience at the Monkey Temple. We had a hair brush stolen and nearly a camera. I learned a lot about life and the human condition while watching these nasty beasts! They have a beautiful place to live and plenty to eat for everyone and yet can't help themselves from fighting, stealing, harassing and just generally ruining everyone's good time. Just like humans! A vivid memory for us, even more than three years later. Thanks for sharing!
4th August 2016

Nanci -- thanks for reading and commenting. You are so right -- they are a fascinating study/reflection into the human condition. Also very interesting that different groups in different conditions will behave differently (potentially more loving, more warlike), brings to mind the question of nurture vs. nature.
3rd August 2016

How about I call it a monkey hair-do?
Michelle, I enjoyed reading it thoroughly! I don't recall reading your blog before; we always argued in emails, and that's the extent I read your text...why don't you write more? You have a freestyle that grabs a reader! Anyway, enough of pampering! Michelle, I am traveling to Bali in November, any idea where to stay in Ubud...not very expensive, but not a dingy joint either? Any recommendation what to see around,...temples, rice terrace...and oh, I forgot, Monkey Forest. Thank God, I lost most my hair, they will spare me. Any tips would be appreciated. By the way, it's lovely to see you without the scuba mask, never thought I will; that's a bonus :)
4th August 2016

Thanks for reading, Tab! Oh dear, I don't recall arguing with you in emails and am sorry if you felt that way -- I only hope to help while being efficient with our short amount of time to devote to various parts of the site. In terms of Ubud, it was many years ago. We really winged it and didn't book anything ahead of time. Ubud was fantastic (you could really go and find any accommodation and wander around to explore everything -- that's what we did!) and Padang Bai was lovely too. I wasn't a huge fan of Kuta, but some folks love it -- a bit too crowded and metropolis for my preferences -- great for surfing if you're into that!
3rd August 2016
family time

Family Time
A special pic of a special moment. This little guy is definitely connecting with the camera. As a mum I presume you can relate to the intimacy of this photo.
4th August 2016
family time

Dave -- yes, very true. I adored all the babies and looking back on their photos so many years later doesn't lessen the response to wrinkled, baby, cuteness-overload. In fact, I think the mom hormones just make me drool more quickly over cute baby animals. I'm sure you can relate as a dad -- hehe. ;)
4th August 2016

Your first blog in four years!!!
I've been looking forward to the day that both you and Ali can get away from Admin duties and reminisce about your travels...or even take new travels. BTW, I hate monkeys. I like gibbons.
4th August 2016

Thanks for reading, Bob! I think we look forward to that day too -- but we wonder when we will ever retire these days. On the upside, at least we have each other and that's more than enough to make me grateful. I like orangutans and chimpanzees. ;)
4th August 2016

Oh my gosh that is so funny. What the heck was in your hair?!? BTW I'd feel right at home there, since the inmates at my job throw poop at me all the time! Lol
4th August 2016

Thanks for reading, Andrea! Haha -- right? I still wonder if the baby got something that is usually in my hair (dandruff, long piece of hair) or if there was something else that it managed to munch on. Love its expression though. They are so funny (and vicious)! Why are you getting poop thrown at you?!!!
4th August 2016
what's this?

This is so super adorable! :D
4th August 2016
what's this?

Thanks Ren! Yeah -- he was really cute. So glad his mom wasn't nearby. ;)
4th August 2016
cutest monkey smile!

Tender or terrors?
Those babes with their little mohawks are so cute, and how funny and adorable when one climbed up to groom you. But yikes, those tales of terror were scary--glad you escaped unscathed.
5th August 2016
cutest monkey smile!

Thanks Tara -- agreed! They're awfully cute -- especially those mischievous expressions -- but I'll be a bit more wary next time before I let one climb on me.
7th August 2016

So thrilled you dusted off your keyboard!
Wow! Great to read your blog again. Keep them coming. Monkey business indeed. We have a good friend in D.C. and overtime someone mentions a monkey he says, those damn monkey's! Not a fan. They always look so inappropriate. Great photos.
8th August 2016

Thanks MJ! Yeah -- going through the photos made me decide to whip something up -- 20 minutes -- didn't know that was possible!! Thanks for reading~ :)

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