Day 16 - A shock in the morning- easy day!

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Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Seminyak
March 7th 2024
Published: March 7th 2024
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Today, so far, didn’t go quite go as I had planned! My plan was… to get up, get showered and sorted, then go off the beautiful roof top to enjoy my first breakfast at the new hotel. Well… that didn’t happen!

I woke up at about 1am this morning, and I was struggling to get back to sleep, but eventually I did. I finally woke up very comfortable, totally relaxed in my huge, and very empty feeling, bed! Due to the sheer size of it! Then I slowly turned over, got up. The first thing I did was to unplug my phone, as it’s been on charge overnight.

OMG!!! Shock! It’s 11am!

I have slept through the whole of the morning plan! WOW!

I dropped back the non- prepared plan b!! I notched up my speed! And quickly got sorted, and dressed. I left the room to go out and source a breakfast! I’m starving! Sleeping is obviously really tiring work. I regularly question myself….how on earth did I ever get to work in a morning!

I stopped at the very first place that I saw breakfast on the menu. I sat in the first available seat. In hindsight, I would have been better off inside with the A/C, but I just wanted coffee and food asap! The girl brought the menu, she was so kind and helpful, offering AllI could wish for, and more. I had a quick scan over the menu. She left it on the table, and was going to walk away, to politely give me time to consider my options, but I interrupted… no that’s ok, I ordered the umami scrambled eggs with toast on the side and a cappuccino.

Normally, I really do appreciate how good the staff are here, so extra attentive, but today…. Just give me the eggs and coffee. I don’t care how they are cooked! But I’ll take everything medium please!

Well, that went down so well. Those eggs were good! I know that I am a bit food ignorant! I don’t even know what umami is! I was curious, so looked it up! Umami translates to "pleasant savory taste" oh, that’s a surprise, I thought it was an ingredient! Ha!

I’ve only got through half of my coffee, so decided to extend my breakfast with a second course! Why not? I am on holiday! Along comes the, as big as your head’ croissant! Now that’ll take me through my coffee, and put me on a good footing for the rest of my day!

Yes, another good choice! I’m sat here, contemplating how I will manage the rest of this amazing day I have in front of me. Then I realise, I am so unprepared for anything right now. It is 12:30, I’ve just finished breakfast, or perhaps I should say brunch! I have nothing with me, I haven’t put any sun cream on, or got any either me. I haven’t got my mozzie spray, all I have is money and water! This isn’t going well! I will have to go back to my room to get my stuff.

At this point, the hotel pool is looking like my best option… out of having no options! But, that still sounds ok to me! I’ve had a look at the weather for the rest of today. It is actually really overcast, it’s 31 degrees, but no sun to see, and extremely humid, it looks like I’ve got a couple of hours before the daily storm hits. So, I guess that’s plan b settled. I feel I haven’t managed to get into my regular stride whilst I’ve been in Bali, I don’t seem to have seen much of what it really has to offer. Some of that could be because of the type and location of hotels I’ve stayed in, but my own calamitous ways have also had an input, along with lots of time given to the actual travel constraints, and even my age!!! I’m constantly preparing for the next move. But, regardless of all that, I honestly so grateful for the amazing time that I am having!

I should also keep you informed about the eye. It’s looking ok, still reddish, and swollen, but thankfully, no black eye!

That’s ironic! Now that I’ve eaten, and had my coffee…. I have just noticed that this cafe is called The Prior Cafe…. and, for me this morning, it was in fact… the prior cafe!

I got back to hotel. I am so hot and sweaty. I only walked for 5 minutes! Crazy! I walked straight through the hotel, grabbed a towel, and went straight in the pool. That was so nice. It’s cold water compared to the pools that I went in whilst in Sri Lanka, but in a good way! The difference here is that you don’t really see the sun. It’s been overcast, or raining most of my time in Bali, yet so damned hot and humid!

In one thought I feel I should be exploring more, whilst I’m here, and have the opportunity, but honestly, I don’t think I’ve got the energy!

As it was so overcast around the lower ground pool, I decided to venture up to the rooftop pool, because I could see the sun through all of the jungle type plants downstairs. I was well surprised! Glorious sunshine! So I got myself a towel, and a bed. I enjoyed a few hours laid in the sun, dipping in and out of the lovely infinity pool. I got chatting with an Australian couple. It was a funny, and varied conversation! We discussed everything from it being 4 years since Covid lockdown, the effects, and problems that caused around the world, and as it was so bad, where is it now…. Through to immigration and its knock on effects, then finally, gender issues, and the entitlement of some kids and young adults of today. So that was a huge chat. I’m pleased to say, we were all very much on the same page! I also should mention, the expected, afternoon storm did not occur!

I stayed up there until about 5pm. It was an easy day! I’m now back to my room to get showered and ready to go out later for my evening meal.

Good news on the car insurance! I checked my back account a few times, it states that the payment is pending, so I was hopeful that it had actually gone through. Then at about 5:30pm today I got an email with the new certificate etc. so I my car, parked at home, is actually legal! I’m happy that sorted itself out!

After I had showered, I went to get my coconut oil from my bag… the A/C in the room is so effective…. The coconut oil has solidified!!!!

At 7pm I was ready to leave the hotel to go and choose where, and what to eat tonight for dinner. To be honest, I don’t really have any forward thinking on this process. I just walk aimlessly in any direction. I stop and read menus, I look to see are many people already eating there, then simply jump in!

Tonight, I was fancying the vegetable pesto pasta, but two blokes next to me just received their beef burger meals. It looked so good, I chose that instead!

Good choice! It was a bit on the big side, but I managed to enjoy it all. Although I didn’t manage the chips or the salad! I stayed a while after finishing eating, as they had a singer on! He wasn’t that good, but it passed an easy 30 minutes of the evening. All done, I set off back to the hotel. I’ve walked for about half an hour,so it’ll be the same walk back!

A there is quite a lively bar attached to the front of the hotel staying on, I made that my final stop for a nice cappuccino before I head back to my hotel. It’s nearly 9pm now, so to be honest that’s about right for me. It’s always nice to get back to the A/C! I always have bits to do before bed. I like to sort out my case, finish up the blog, then catch up with emails, Facebook and Instagram before I actually turn in!

I got back to my room, I’m all showered and sorted. Then I like to catch up on any chateau diy updates on YouTube. I follow about 20 different ones, so there’s always something happening! Then if there’s nothing new there, I’ve got Netflix downloads to watch!

Wow…. I’m just in bed watching my iPad, I mentioned earlier that the storms didn’t arrive today, but ooohhhh..,. They have just arrived! The thunderous cracking and banging with huge lightening flashes are going on outside. It gave me the fright of my life! So pleased I’m in bed!

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