Yoga is the answer

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Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Mcleod Ganj
August 5th 2015
Published: August 14th 2015
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Sooo I'm off to India. And why? The simplest answer is to do yoga. I'd looked into doing an intensive course in the UK but in London the rent alone would mean I'd need to get a part time job, not ideal, and even were I to live rent free, India proves cheaper so here I am, but a month before the course actually starts. So I have 4 wks to ideally get in as much yoga as possible.

And why yoga? 4 years ago, approx, I started pilates. Trying to live out some skewed 'action man' alter ego I joined the army. And has happened many times in the past I suffered badly with muscle strains; shin splints, back strains, ankles, among others and in training it was plantar fasciitis. Somehow I knew core strength could be the cure to my problems so instead of run of the mill gym core exercises which helped but didn't have the impact I needed I decided to try pilates.

The effect was slow but over time became undeniable as I started to no longer view long distance running as a means to an end but a sport. And the quiet internal intense joy of running with greater ease was enough to relentlessly commit to my pilates and my own stretches which kinda naturally developed with it. I accidentally started doing some yoga poses as a means to try out new stretches. And it was a game changer. Around this time I was looking to get out the army. And so I looked into yoga courses while diving into yoga classes.

Consistent injuries plague me. And so my mission is to be persistent and conscientious with my yoga. It's enjoyable, it helps physically de-stress my body which lightens my mood, and I am certain it will eventually aid me to run stress and injury free.


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