Amazing Chinese Adventure and Some Travel Tips for You

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January 30th 2019
Published: January 30th 2019
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China is a place of beauty filled with incredible sights, mountain and deserts. It has some of the most beautiful landmarks in the world and has proven to be a choice destination for tourist of all kinds. Adventure seekers from all over have discovered the many fascinations China has to offer. So for your next adventure be sure to check out some of these places in China;

The Great Wall of China

This is one of the Seven Wonders of the World and walking or hiking the Great Wall should be seen as a personal once in a lifetime accomplishment. The Wall is divided into about 14 segments and this means that you can choose what area to explore. Parts of the wall are very steep and tough to climb but if you are not interested in walking or hiking, there are other ways to see the Wall such as a gondola ride from Mutianyu.

The Longsheng Rice Terraces

Also known as the Dragon’s Backbone Rice Terraces or the Longji Rice Terraces. Visitors can enjoy a trek through the rice terraces or go on the popular day hikes. If you will be spending the night, enjoy your stay in one of the surrounding guesthouses. The best time to visit the terraces is during the spring or autumn season as you will get to see watery or rice filled terraces, and if you would like to fully explore the terraces, you are advised to set aside between a day and a half to two days.

Huashan Plank Walk

For the adventurer who would like a dose of adrenaline, a walk on the world’s deadliest trail is what you need. Walk to the “plank road in the sky” through a series of harnesses, ropes and planks. Huashan, one of the five sacred mountains in China is located in Xi’an which is famous for the Terracotta Warriors, so it is not enough to go to Xi’an just for the Terracotta Warriors but endeavour to experience the infamous plank walk. The south peak where you can get a view of the Yellow River is the most famous of the five peaks of the mountain.

Submerged Lion City

Located beneath the surface of Qiandao Lake are the cities of Shi Cheng also known as Lion City built during the Tang Dynasty in 621 AD and He Cheng constructed during the Han Dong Dynasty i.e. 25-200 AD. The Qiandao Lake was created in 1959 in order to create the Xin’anjiang reservoir and the Xin’an river hydroelectric station by flooding the valley at the base of Wu Shi. Divers find this location fascinating because of the history that lies at the bottom of the lake. Shi Cheng still has most of its structures intact these includes arches, guardian lions and carvings, it also has 5 city gates and towers as opposed to the normal 4.

Travel tips for a trip to China

Visitors from most countries are required to apply for an entry visa, so make sure you apply for one several months before your trip.

Try to learn some Chinese words to help you converse with locals especially outside the big cities.

Vendors in China prefer cash to card, so make sure you carry enough on you. Also only the “yuan” the official currency of China is acceptable and recognised so be sure to convert your money from your local currency to yuan.

Carry along your own toilet paper, hand wash or hand sanitizer as they are not provided especially in public restrooms.

The best place to eat Chinese food is usually where the locals are also eating, so be on the lookout for queues at the food vendors.

China id usually swarmed by tourists both local and foreign during the summer season, if you are looking to avoid the crowd, its best you visit during the cooler months i.e. late October to March.

A trip to China is one way to have a splendid adventurous vacation, so to get the best from your trip make sure you make all the necessary plans and try as much as possible to experience everything China has to offer.


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