First Entry.

June 15th 2010
Published: June 15th 2010
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Alllll righty.. Got the feeling that repeating the same stories takes away from the details.
hence an attempt at a travel blogg, hopefully it'll become more professional with time and
writing experience.
Been traveling for roughly 3 months, with no real plan outside of exploring europe and morocco solo.
was going to come home end of june, back to work, back to family, back to day to day...
subway ->work-> sleep ->repeat.
#$%@ that.
skipped the flight, got healed up with family in france. grabed some drugs, and made the commitment to remeet with this irish kid that wanted to travel all of africa, from the north to the south.
fortunately he had his passport stolen and waited patietly for a new passport to be sent, and for me to visit the emergency rooms in france.
2 weeks b4 going contacted a friend called emily, who spontaneously agreed.
got a bus 8 am from sleepy town laurens france to bezier. another bus to barcelona for dinner.
night bus to madrid for breakfast, and thats where i met her at the airport.
arrived in marakesh for lunch. met the german girl from ealier travels, and bumped into irish in the souks of the medevil district.
sudenly the german didn't want to go home, so the 4 of us were about to take part in an african adventure of a epic magnitude. casablanca for more meds, rabat for the visas, and then off into the unknown!! to be young, free, spontaneous, with 1000$ of free cash.


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