Day 1-3. Arrival in Busua

November 11th 2017
Published: November 11th 2017
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We've finally arrived in Busua after a 5 hour bus ride from Accra and Abdel has come to the conclusion that Algerian roads are pretty ok after all (at least compared to what we've experienced here so far). We had some fun trying to get the bus as there are different stations and no real schedules, they leave when full. Once aboard we enjoyed watching different objects going into the hold (car gearbox, sink, table, tv...) and also listened to a preacher for the first hour of our ride, who then proceeded to sell green tea before hopping off and leaving us to enjoy 4 hours of back to back episodes of a ghaneen tv show. It was worth the trip to arrive here in Busua and be able to go for a swim and discover our home for the next month. It's a small fishing village where the people are friendly and there's surfing, goats and loads of places to eat local food (which is fresh and delicious as far as we can tell so far).
Today we went surfing for the first time, there's a lot of progress to be made and Abdel's thinking that he might try putting on some suncream after all 😉
We'll try to upload some more photos soon and tell you more about the ecolodge we'll be working on !


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