South Luangwa Nat'l Park

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Africa » Zambia » South Luangwa
April 12th 2008
Published: April 20th 2008
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Our first major stop in Zambia was the South Luangwa National Park. Our campsite was right on the bank of the Luangwa River and the Hippos came up into the campsite regularly at night to graze. It's only when one is about 20 meters away from the dinner table completely out of the water that you really begin to appreciate how huge these creatures are. We couldn't stop smiling every time we heard their noises; it's like living in a zoo (only way better). We went on a couple of game drives including a walking safari and a night drive which is supposed to be very good for spotting nocturnal animals including Leopards and Lions. Unfortunately we were in the wrong jeep as we missed the Leopard that everyone else saw; better luck next time. We did get a few close encounters with Giraffes and Elephants though. Enjoy the photos!

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11th August 2010
Hippo 2

Are They swimming in water or something?

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