Time to move on to Zambia!

Zambia's flag
Africa » Zambia » Lusaka
March 3rd 2015
Published: March 3rd 2015
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Whohoooo - and a happy good morning to everyone! Up and at 'em early in Johannesburg - and had an incredible breakfast at the hotel (you saw those photos in my blog from yesterday).

This is a really special day because it is my brother Art's birthday!! For any of you who know me at all, you do know how much I love and adore him - so, happy birthday, Art (because I know you and the family are reading this and following my trip)!!

This is the official start of the 'Give Movement Journey' started by my coach, Suzanne Evans, 3 years ago. I was on the first trip and am very excited to be part of the return visit this year. So many elements to the trip this time - stay with me and you will see as the hours go by - lots of photos and videos coming up.

We headed to the Johannesburg airport - I do love it there - so big, so bright and so much to see as you wait for your flight to leave. And yes, the chocolate croissant called my name and I answered! Didn't even get a photo, LOL - but, trust me, SOOOOOO good!

The flight into Zambia (Lusaka) was comfortable and fast. The view from the plane was most interesting - so much congestion in the 'living' areas ...... Take a look at the photo below of the tractor - modern day airline equipment! The process getting through Customs (to get our Visa) - not so much. Reminded me of my Tour Leader days with the Travel Guild (right, Brenda???? LOL) - anyway, that was done and over and into the vans we went for the half hour drive to our hotel - the Radisson. On the way, I grabbed a quick photo of a street sign/advertisement - check it out - they are promoting Facebook and Twitter on their ads over here .....in Zambia! And some of my clients wonder if/why they should have a presence on Facebook .....well, because the world is on there, people! LOL.

Wow - what a hotel - took a few photos of this room because it is quite fabulous, I think - even in my favorite color (red!). And I found the Fitness Center too - will be using that for sure - it's very modern and appealing.

Quiet afternoon - grabbed a bite to eat (it was just ok, thus no food photos today - the breakfast buffet in Johannesburg this morning was the best food of the day!) -

Early to bed because tomorrow is going to be very special!

Happy Pat

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Photos: 16, Displayed: 16


4th March 2015

Brings back memories of Travel Guild tour. Enjoy, Pat.
4th March 2015

Travelling the world .....
Hey Sharon, you are so right - so many great memories, especially of our world tour trips to Africa. This one is very special to me, though - watch for the latest blog post to come out (I'm just writing it now). Thanks for being here.

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