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Africa » Zambia » Livingstone
January 31st 2011
Published: December 4th 2011
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Canoeing was really fun! It was a just like when I went canoeing on Lake Volta but this time with different, people, sights, sounds, smells, animals. The water was quite rough but I had an excellent guide who paddled very well. In the water we saw Hippos, Crocodiles, Bull Sharks and lots and lots of fish, big and small. In the sky birds were everywhere; Herons, Pelicans, Egrets and African fish Eagles all in large groups together. Along the river banks there were Giraffes, Buffalos, Elephants and my favourite: Zebras! You were looking left, right, left, right trying not to miss anything. As we travelled down the 4th longest river in Africa we experienced something amazing! I found out all about the Zambezi River. It flows through 5 different countries (6 because it flows through Zambia twice) and its 2,700 km long. The rivers beauty, wildlife and various water sports attracts thousands of tourists all over the world. The weather here is mostly sunny and fine even in the winter, around now, it’s still warm. The Zambezi River is around 300-500m wide but as it’s opening to the 420 feet drop (also known as the fantastic Vic Falls) it widens to 18,297 feet! I can’t wait to explore more of Livingstone, the Zambezi River and Victoria Falls.


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