Blogs from Western Sahara, Africa - page 3


Africa » Western Sahara March 25th 2007

Western Sahara rarely features on lists of the world's countries anymore. Even on most maps, this large area of northwest Africa generally appears as part of Morocco. However, even in the eyes of the United Nations, Western Sahara is a seperate entity. The country used to be known as Rio de Oro after it was grabbed by Spain during the scramble for Africa in the late nineteenth century. They grabbed it as a protectorate mainly because other European countries were claiming new colonies so why shouldn't they. It was soon realised that the land had little economic worth and never broke even before it was given up by Spain in 1975. The country was divided in two with the top half going to Morocco and the bottom half to Mauritania. But Morocco wanted all of ... read more
Endless Nothingness
More Endless Nothingness
The Long Atlantic Beach

Africa » Western Sahara » South » Dakhla January 31st 2007

Om 19:00u vertrekt de bus, ik ben ruim op tijd, drink een colaatje op een terasje pal voor de bus en om 19:30 vertrekken we, de bus zit niet vol gelukkig en ik kan schuin op twee plaatsen zitten, er wordt regelmatig gestopt, voor een pauze of om mensen in en uit te laten stappen, het valt best mee zo het is bijna comfortabel. Als we weer een keertje stoppen rond 6:30 loop ik slaperig naar buiten voor een sigaretje en we zijn al in Tan Tan blijkt, snel mijn spullen uit de bus halen. Het is nog donker en ik sta ergens in een buiten wijk, eerst maar eens kijken of ik het centrum kan vinden, dat is niet ver gelukkig, maar het stelt ook helemaal niks voor een paar winkeltjes en restaurantjes, eerst maar ... read more

Africa » Western Sahara » South » Dakhla January 31st 2006

Not only is this a physical journey for me, but also a journey in english semantics. Be indulgent, have patience with my linguistic faults as I try to twitch and wrestle with english expressions that you'll find far from idiomaticly correct. It felt good to leave Chefchaouen at last, next time I'll be back with the hordes of tourists in July or August. Not only did all the hotels get booked by police and security staff prior to the kings arrival, the constant cold and the afternoon drizzle got to me at last. So of to Fes it was. Once again I had sharpened my elbows all for nothing, the hassle I'd prepared for was not to come. I mean, of course you've got the restaurant-touts at the main entrance to the medina, but they were ... read more
Nomadic Morocco
Bordeaux Jillaba
Sesamy Open

Africa » Western Sahara » South » Dakhla December 19th 2005

Leaving Tan Tan was a bit difficult, I was torn, such a scruffy little town but everyone we met had a heart of gold, I really wanted to stay on but was also concerned that 'wasting' time in Morocco would leave less time to see Mauritania! Getting a SATAS bus to Dahkla for 320Dh was a good move. Clean, heated and more spacious I knew this wasn't going to be the same journey from hell as we had had with the other bus from Casablanca! The journey was relatively uneventful apart from the odd police posts where yet again I had to interpret no less than 7 times for him, what his job was, not once did he ask me how to say it or practice it in case we hit another police post! We reached ... read more

Africa » Western Sahara » South » Dakhla June 24th 2005

Since I last wrote I went through Marrakesh, Agadir, Laayoune, Dakhla, and then across the border into Mauritania where I have so far been to Noadhibou and Nouakchott. Marrakesh was pretty and interesting but too touristic for me. Laayoune and Dakhla are in Western Sahara, which is disputed, and there seems to be some tension between the Moroccans who are sort of occupying it, and the Saharans. The desert is really beautiful, and unbelievably huge. The main even of this segment of the trip, however, occured between Dakhla and Noadhibou, where I was attempting to cross the border. I left around sunset, hoping to arrive in Noadhibou around dawn, and I knew it was a bad idea to travel at night, but I didn't want to stay in Dakhla for the night, so I jumped ... read more
A street ending in desert
Dog in pile of garbage near water
Saharan Man

Africa » Western Sahara » South » Dakhla December 21st 2004

I'm now in Dahkla, in the Western Sahara. The journey took 22 hours. It might have been quicker if we hadn't been stopped at police check points and asked the same damn fool questions so many times. Governments always put up so many checkpoints when their authority in the area is in question. The other dead give away about the contested nature of this region was all the big White 4 wheel drive cars with the letters UN on the side! The questions that annoy me, include being asked my profession. If I told the truth, NONE! Place of permanent residence, NONE! I've chucked my job and sold my house. So, I'm a work shy bum, living off the money from the sale of my house; of no fixed abode. I don't think that answer would ... read more
Western Sahara

Africa » Western Sahara December 2nd 2002

I seem to be missing a lot of stuff out, about the camping, the trucks, our new friends... We have camped on rocky football pitches, sandy hollows, in wind, rain and beautiful starlight, on a range of 'proper' campgrounds, and have slept in the truck (cook group privilege). We are part of a cook group of three - teamed up with a neat girl from Holland called Lous. When our turn comes round, we have to shop for and prepare lunch, dinner and breakfast. We have had to dig the truck out a couple of times already, once from mud and once from sand. Its hard work, but fun so far. I'm sure after a while it wont be so fun! No one on our truck has gotten sick yet, on the other truck - there ... read more
One of the many covered passageways in Essaouira
Getting my henna tattoo, Essaouira
My henna tattoo

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