Blogs from Togo, Africa - page 5


Africa » Togo June 22nd 2010

I had a great weekend in Grand Popo, Benin. This is beachside village about 1 1/2 hours east of Lome, which is known for its voodoo beliefs and slave history. Apart from these negative aspects, its an interesting place and we had a relaxing 2 days there. 10 of us piled into a combi van complete with deck chairs in the front and back and someone on the floor, for 1 night away at a small hotel on the beach, which looked more like a plantation site. Lush grass, coconut trees, cacti, and no other tourists, it was bliss. Almost 100 fellow Mercyshippers were away for the weekend too, many in Benin, but fortunately we were the only ones where we were staying.... sometimes you just need some time away. While we were in Benin, we ... read more

Africa » Togo » Lome June 7th 2010

This was quite the interesting weekend off the ship. We (4 other girls and 3 african guys) went away to Kpalime (pronounced Palimay) which is about 2 hours north of Lome and the port. After 1 1/2 hours of discussing between our african translators and they guy organising transport on a price we left for Kpalime. We drove past little villages with huts with thatch grass roofs, and lots of kids running around, the land got more lush and green the closer inland we got, as well as getting cooler which was a nice change from the 40 degree heat of the city/port. That afternoon we hiked to a waterfall after much discussion about how much we had to pay so that we could swim in it also. Luckily we had a guy with us who ... read more

Africa » Togo May 28th 2010

Hi everyone, well I’ve been in Lome, Togo for nearly a month now and I’m feeling pretty settled and have learnt a lot already. My week consists of working 40 hours on the ward (although I’ve just finished working 44 hours of night shifts straight after each other) and trying to get off the ship and spend some time relaxing or seeing new things on my days off. Work on the ward is quite different to anywhere I’ve worked, not surprising though, the main reasons are the major language barrier and 10 patients (often plus their parent & sometimes a sibling) in a 10 metre by 10 metre room, with another 10 bedded room joined as well. The parent either sleeps on a mattress under the bed, or shares with the baby/child. Every so often you ... read more
My room

Africa » Togo » Lome May 10th 2010

May 10, 2010 Hotel: Auberge Le Galion, Lome, Togo, 8000 XOF I woke up about 4AM to the sounds of rain.. this is the rainy season in West Africa and I had been worried how that would affect our travel plans. Luckily it stopped soon and we had our breakfast of toasted Wonderbread and tea. Our plans today were to get our Benin visa, then possibly a little sightseeing in Accra before heading east to Togo. Togo issues a 7-day visa at the border but Benin only issues a 48-hr transit visa on arrival; we needed 5 days and so needed to get a visa ahead of time. The first trick was actually finding the embassy, apparently it has moved since the last guidebooks have been published. I found a map supposedly showing the new ... read more
Independence Square, Accra
Sole Meurniere

Africa » Togo May 5th 2010

Western Africa is not on the well-worn tourist route. All four ports are new to us. Fortunately we have several guest lecturers on board who have given us some background on these small countries hanging on the Atlantic edge of Africa. They were used as way stations during the era of slavery. They were all colonial outposts and only became independent in the past fifty years. As third world countries, they share many of the same problems such as poverty, high mortality rates and rampant unemployment. Malaria and Aids contribute to the problems of these poor countries. They have not been plagued with the tribal wars which have engulfed many of the other African states. We arrived at the pilot station in Benin right on time but alas there was no pilot. Then Captain Mario got ... read more
Togo Women
Little Togolese Cutie
Everybody Loves Kevin

Africa » Togo » Lome April 25th 2010

Wow, our last port was on the 19th in Walvis Bay. We were scheduled to stop in Cotonou, Benin yesterday but due to a storm front that moved in as we were attempting to enter their harbor, and a cargo ship that was delayed getting out of our birth, the captain made the impromptu decision to skip the stop. However, we did have several people getting off there, as well as someone coming on, so the captain sent a tender to the pier with those departing and picked up one that was joining us. Actually, the guy getting on the ship was the husband of Yuki, a young Asian woman who got on in Cape Town. She and her husband, who live in Hawaii were flying from London to Cape Town to meet the ship. When ... read more
The Tender
Welcome Aboard!
Local Fishing Boat

Africa » Togo » Lome November 24th 2009

Geo: 6.1228, 1.2255With the sands of our adventure time draining out quickly, we have two countries to visit and the central theme is, wait for it, 'voodoo' thus completing our three legged and rhyming travel stool of Timbuktu- Ouagadougo- Voodoo. This was not, however, the Hollywood voodoo of black magic, zombies, and curses. The more famous voodoo sites of Haiti, Dominican Republic, and New Orleans can trace their roots back to West Africa via the slave trading routes but there are big differences. One of the largest differences between African and American Voudun is that the African slaves of Haiti and the southern US were obliged to disguise their gods (Lwas) and spirits as Roman Catholic saints, a process called syncretism.Voodoo (aka Vodoun, Voudou, Vodou, Vodun, Sevi Lwa) is an animist, or nature-based religion that originated ... read more
Fetish Market
Gorilla Foot
Fetish Market

Africa » Togo October 11th 2009

last friday morning, anouk, taylor and i headed out for togo, the country directly east of ghana. getting there was fairly uneventful but we drove through the volta region which was really was beautiful. after a few hours we arrived in aflao. we got through immigrations and realized that lome, the capital city of togo was just on the other side of the border -we had expected to have to travel further into the country to get there. after exchanging currency -cedis to francs- we headed down the main road of lome. the first thing we saw after crossing the border was the beach about twenty yards to our right. the waves were really intense so swimming was out of the question, but the water was a lot warmer than it is at any of the ... read more

Africa » Togo » Lome September 12th 2009

Togo Auch wenn ich inzwischen schon wieder zurueck in Ghana bin - hier ein Ueberblick ueber meine eineinhalb Wochen, wo ich bis Anfang der Woche war. Eigentlich wollte ich nur gut eine Woche in Togo bleiben und Freitag vor gut einer Woche aufbrechen, aber dann hat mir irgendeine fiese Krankheit einen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht und anstatt am Strand in Ghana habe ich stattdessen ein paar Tage in Bett in Togo verbracht. Was genau es war ist unklar, wahrscheinlich aber eine Malaria, die wegen meiner Prophylaxe relativ harmlos verlaufen ist. Sonntag war ich wieder weitestgehend auf den Beinen, Montag morgen in Ghana an der Grenze und montag abend wieder zurueck in Busua am Strand, drei Tage spaeter als eigentlich geplant. Aber zurueck nach Togo: Ich habe wie vor zwei Jahren auch in einem Vorort der ... read more

Africa » Togo July 26th 2009

Well another day of work (2 hrs) and a lot of relaxing --- gotta love the fact that we had four guys “shoveling” including both “leaders:(we only have 3 shovels), while the rest of us had to haul gravel; or the fact I have to write a daily report… Who the fuck gives a shit when we ate! All this X-tianity here has aroused my atheist sentiments (also reading Joyce). If asked “why don’t you believe in God” (the X-tian one)? I say I see absolutely no reason to follow the tenets of X-tianity faith as opposed to the any other. Nothing is apparent that proves that the Bible is the correct interpretation --- in fact much of it can be disputed and disproved by science, so to be X-tian would have as much validity for ... read more

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