Day 7: Cape Town - Orange River

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Africa » South Africa » Northern Cape » Orange River
August 18th 2012
Published: October 23rd 2012
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Not too much to update today. Today was a nice early start. 6am to the truck. Yay..... We had a 12 hour drive ahead of us today so it was a perfect day to get to know people. I spent the day chatting to Anita. Luckily we got along right from the beginning and had no problem talking crap for 12 hours. We also got to know our guides for the trip. Hettie, our guide, Kobus our driver, and Ray, a guide in training who was to take over once we reached Livingstone.

After our long drive we arrived at camp just at sundown. We had a quick explanation from Kobus about how to put our tents together then we aettled in for a nice dinner cooked by the camp site. After dinner we sat around the bar for some drinks. With people slowly filtering off to bed, it ended up just being Anita, Riccardo and myself at the bar, drinking with the 2 barmen. I didnt realise until now that Amarula is a South African drink, and as such, it is ridiculously cheap here, which is good because it is a great drink.

It was on this evening that I acquired my new nickname "The Honey Badger".

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