Day 1 - Knysna To Kimberley

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Africa » South Africa » Northern Cape » Kimberley
August 24th 2019
Published: August 24th 2019
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Captains Log - Stardate 91028042

4am from Knysna got us off to a great start. By 7:30 we were eating breakfast in Wimpy in Beauford West having watched a fabulous sunrise in the Karoo. Back on the road by 8:15 and with a quick splash and go fuel stop mid way we were in Kimberley by 12:30, couldn't have gone any better (touch wood).

Spent the afternoon at The Big Hole in Kimberley, and what a great and informative visit it was. The biggest man dug hole in the world is staggering from the observation platform. The tour was really good rounding off with a visit to the vault to see some actual diamonds discovered in the area. Wasn't sure what to expect from Kimberley having read a lot about it being run down but there's tons of development here so the town isn't as dead as some of the books will have you believe.

Early start again tomorrow, need to get to the border to cross into Botswana as early as possible as we "hope" to be able to get in to see the Khama III Museum in Serowe before tomorrows overnight stop in Palapye. Not sure if it will come off because the museum is actually closed on Sundays but I have been given the caretakers cell number so we'll be calling him once we get into Botswana. Having watched the film A United Kingdom, a few weeks ago and seen what Seretse Khama did for Botswana we simply have to try and see the legacy of him and his father.

815km done today, tomorrow is nearer 900km by the time we've been to the museum and back to the hotel so up at 3:15 again.

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