Sun City

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January 3rd 2014
Published: January 3rd 2014
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A 5 hour drive to Sun City. Wasn't that fun! The one stop was really nice. It was a dam that was huge, it had all the cutes open because we had just got a big thunder storm. Arlene's family said it was the most open they had ever seen. Water was rushing down as fast as lightning. We stopped for cool drinks and snacks at a gas station. We got to Sun City about lunch time. It took took them one hour to make our rooms. I got a grilled chicken salad that was good. We saw the little zoo. The zoo had screaming

monkeys. One that looked extremely stressed and needed out of its cage and in to the wild.

By the time our rooms were ready I was ready to head to the pool! We sat in our room for 15 minutes waiting for Dad to change. We then went to the pool for a swim. We met John there and swam with him. Me and Dad played two person tag but it's more fun with more people. When Arlene went to get a drink she found a life size chess game. Dad beat me twice in a row (I'm not that good at chess). We then went to see if we could find the trampolines we heard of but as it turns out that they were taken down..

Dad reserved us a spot on an Elephant Safari for the next day. Arlene and Sam were going to come but there were only 2 spots left.

We all went for supper at the entertainment area. The restaurant was Leonardo's. They have really good food like pizza, pasta and lamb. I had Fettaccini Alfredo. And a chocolatey dessert. I wanted to play in the arcade but the rest wanted to go back to the room's. We headed back for a good sleep.

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