The Fantastic Kruger National Park

Published: December 2nd 2023
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Dear All After a lovely time in Africa-in-Miniature Swaziland, I flew back to Johannesburg for the last time on a Friday afternoon at the end of August. I realised that I had now been to this airport six times in all my travels, including a trip ten years earlier when I was transiting through the airport, but I had not yet visited the city. This was planned towards the end of the week, and I was ... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 109, Displayed: 21


I love this tree!I love this tree!
I love this tree!

It looks like a stick man conjuring up a bush with its hands!

Kruger National Park

Kruger National Park
Saddle-Billed StorkSaddle-Billed Stork
Saddle-Billed Stork

Kruger National Park

Kruger National Park

Kruger National Park

Kruger National Park

Kruger National Park
Buffalo and Safari VehiclesBuffalo and Safari Vehicles
Buffalo and Safari Vehicles

Kruger National Park

Kruger National Park

Kruger National Park
Dinner at Marc's Tree House LodgeDinner at Marc's Tree House Lodge
Dinner at Marc's Tree House Lodge

Me, Steve from the US living in Morocco, the lovely family from Barcelona
Giant KingfisherGiant Kingfisher
Giant Kingfisher

Marc's Tree House Lodge
Giant KingfisherGiant Kingfisher
Giant Kingfisher

Marc's Tree House Lodge
Me and the Catalan FamilyMe and the Catalan Family
Me and the Catalan Family

Marc's Tree House Lodge
Blyde River CanyonBlyde River Canyon
Blyde River Canyon

South Africa
Blyde River CanyonBlyde River Canyon
Blyde River Canyon

South Africa
Me and SteveMe and Steve
Me and Steve

Blyde River Canyon

Blyde River Canyon
Blyde River CanyonBlyde River Canyon
Blyde River Canyon

South Africa
The Three RondavelsThe Three Rondavels
The Three Rondavels

Blyde River Canyon

2nd December 2023

Fantastic Kruger!
Dave here.....looks like you had a great time and saw lots of animals. Safaris are a lot of be that close to the wildlife is quite special!
2nd December 2023

Thanks Dave! Kruger was indeed fantastic! The closeness of one of the elephants in particular was just amazing!
3rd December 2023

More great wildlife memories.
3rd December 2023

More great wildlife memories.
3rd December 2023

Indeed, amazing wildlife and memories from the Kruger National Park 😊
4th December 2023

Big boy
Only a face a mother can love.
5th December 2023

Big boy
Oh that's funny! And he's got a bit of an attitude problem I think too...!!
4th December 2023

The Joys of Kruger
I'm glad your experience with the group was a good one. That certainly makes all the difference when personalities mesh or don't mesh. I love Amarula and bought some when we returned. Our safari was clamping and I liked that. Not sure I would want to be that close to the animals. I'm sure I would not sleep well. It is interesting watching the animals feast. It would be wonderful to know if the animals are thinking about us while we are looking at them.LOL. A fantastic safari experience.
5th December 2023

Thanks Merry! The safari was amazing, I thoroughly enjoyed it! I felt blessed with the group. Amarula is lovely! Yes, it was a bit unnerving sleeping that close to the animals, but I slept remarkably well - must have been all those long safari drives and walks! I hope the animals are indeed able to block us out while they eat, there must have been at least ten vehicles watching them tucking in!
4th December 2023
Close Elephant Encounter!

Close Encounters
I love these trips.
5th December 2023
Close Elephant Encounter!

Close Encounters
Definitely the ultimate African experience!
4th December 2023
The Lion Begins to Eat

A morning snack
They are looking satisfied.
5th December 2023
The Lion Begins to Eat

Morning snack
Indeed - hunt over, time to eat!
4th December 2023
Blyde River Canyon

Blyde River Canyon
What a beautiful view of the canyon. The world has so many lovely places to visit.
5th December 2023
Blyde River Canyon

Blyde River Canyon
I must admit I was a bit sceptical of how awed I'd be - it seriously blew that thought away! I was awed, and I love that no matter how much we travel, we can still be stopped still in our tracks and be stunned by the world's beauty.
9th December 2023

What an Incredible Experience!
It was fascinating reading about your experiences in and near Kruger! As much as I love animals and would love to see African wildlife in their natural setting, I finally had to accept the fact that, regardless of it being a natural occurrence, it would be too distressing for me to see animals kill and eat another animal in front of me. That's just the way I'm built so to speak. I think you're very brave to have chosen to sleep in the tent! Such an incredible experience! Absolutely superb photos!!
9th December 2023

Safari Experience
Thanks very much Sylvia! The wildlife experience in Kruger was indeed incredible. Yes, I understand your feelings on the animal-eat-animal world out there, I did find parts of that tricky I must admit. Thank you for your encouraging comment on my blog and photos! :)
1st January 2024
Rhino and Ostrich

We'd like to go on a safari again
We have been on a few safaris and we absolutely loved it. We'd like to do it again some day. /Ake
1st January 2024
Rhino and Ostrich

Ah, there's nothing quite like a safari, no matter how many times you do one I think. Hope you get to go on one again soon.

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