Namibia! Namibia!

Namibia's flag
Africa » Namibia » Windhoek
March 14th 2015
Published: March 15th 2015
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Flying in Flying in Flying in

A vast and desolate land
Namibia! Namibia!

Was there ever a land that seemed so vast, mysterious, remote?

Having successfully extracted myself from the cloying, mind numbing world of e cigarettes, cigarettes, designer faded jeans, expensive fine cotton t shirts distressed just so, coffee, cafés, coffee houses, late's and trust fund hippies, I have landed in a vast barren land of apparent sanity.Although nothing could have prepared me for the wall of heat that body slammed me as I stepped onto the shimmering Tarmac, that addictive familiar bubble of excitement and wonder has started it's slow happy percolate deep within my soul.Namibia!What a world of difference from South Africa or more specifically Cape Town and no wonder... This is a country that struggled long and hard to win it's freedom from South Africa after being seized in World War1 from the Germans who had decimated the local Herero ethnic group. Germany has since apologized for what that's worth...From what I've seen so far ( which is only the drive from the airport to lodge, the mall for sunglasses, mine broke, and the open air patio bar at the lodge) this place is sane and integrated. The lodge my first stop, is utterly refreshing and hallelujah integrated! Groups of friends of various races sip beer and have adult relaxed conversations, their children play and rough house together, if clothing looks worn it's because it is...not because some designer made it so.A world away but so strangely Caribbean in look and feel, Cassie trees everywhere and a chilled out vibe...reminds me of Antigua in a vast frontier kind of way.The women here are long and lean, fine boned and beautiful, more cedar brown than mahogany complected, the roads are good, the mall vast, the university and Ted Talks prominent and a general sense of well being permeates the air.Tomorrow the real adventure begins, I meet the truck and head out.For now it's Windhoek beer in frosted glasses, children at play and the refreshing cool night air.

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Long road in Long road in
Long road in

Long road in from airport
Plant lifePlant life
Plant life

Desert plants

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