
Namibia's flag
Africa » Namibia » Swakopmund
November 1st 2015
Published: November 14th 2015
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We also picked up a German girl named Anja for our adventure to fill out the car and cut down on costs. So our first adventure was to find her as she was at a different hostel and didn’t come to Oktoberfest with us. Google maps made us all crazy but we eventually found her and away we went! The first stop was to Swakopmund on the west coast. This is the “adventure capital” of Namibia so we thought we should partake in all it has to offer. Skydiving was first on the list in which we all participated. My third time, Matteo’s second, and the other’s first time…Oh boy! It was also my mother’s birthday so I couldn’t say no to an opportunity to show that I am alive and well and appreciate the day she was brought into the world. Such a rush! When we landed I was like…well im already in the suit, lets do it again? Hahaha, not in the makings. Buuuuuut there was a fun point that I paid for just some photos on a hand cam but it fell out of the plane so I got a full video AND some pics. WOOO!!!! Good times had by all! The next day was filled with another adrenaline pumping activity. Dune boarding! You can get strapped on to a snowboard, wax It all up, and blast down a dune with top speeds reaching about 40 mph. Oooorrrrr you can jump on a flexible piece of some kind of particle board, also waxed up, and reach speeds of 50mph. Heeellllll yeah!!!!! I took the latter as I feel being fixed to a snowboard would only hurt with one wrong move. Much fun was had by those who joined and we actually went back to the same dune for a sundowner that night. Actually we went to Walvis Bay as well to see the flamingoes. There’s a bunch of them there eating some stuff and stuff….lol. The next day was also filled with wonder as we went to the Kristall Galerie which houses the world’s largest quartz crystal structure on display! Definitely a nod to those of you in Colorado who love gem hunting. J We also went to another museum where the only interesting thing was that I found a Namibian flag patch for super cheap. That all from Swakopmund!

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