That sand gets everywhere!

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Africa » Namibia » Luderitz
May 17th 2007
Published: August 6th 2007
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We are now in Luderitz and therefore back on the coast. It was a bumpy 4 hours on gravel roads followed by another hour or so on tarred road before we got here. We did pass through the Namib Rand national park on the way and managed to spot the usual array of animals including springbok and gemsbok/oyrx. I felt the need to take more animal photos (don't ask me why).

Later on we saw 3 bat eared foxes, which was good, as we had not seen them before, and they are not normally out in the day. We also saw a huge black snake in the road. Don't know what it was but we decided against hanging about to find out.

Luderitz is supposed to be a big city but we are yet to be convinced. It does have very good Calamari though, so we ate plenty of that. One reason for coming here was so we could visit the ghost town of Kolmanskop which is what we did this morning.

Kolmanskop was a town that built up after 1908 when diamonds were first found in the area. After the diamonds dried up the miners went elsewhere and the town was eventually abandoned. Because of its location in the Namib Desert it was not long before the sand started to blow in and now some buildings have lost all of the ground floor to it. After a short tour we were free to explore on our own and we could go in all the buildings. It was really cool. It would make such a great place for a film. The town hall is in good condition and not full of sand. Apparently it is a popular location for weddings. It would definitely give the photos a unique twist.

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