On the road to Marrakesh

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Africa » Morocco » Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz
November 22nd 2012
Published: November 22nd 2012
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moonscape campmoonscape campmoonscape camp

cold and barren but strangely beautiful
We've been on the road for several days, have camped in moon scapes equally barren and cold and seen the snow high in the Atlas mountains blush pink in the early morning glow.

Numbed to the incessant bartering ive flead to the heights of a Berber village in the cliffs above Toudra gorge and had the best mint tea ever at the side of the road with Mahommed and Mahommed.

Sitting on the throne of movie sets I've pretended to rule the world, but sharing tea with the most humble has humbled me and truly makes me appreciate my privileged place in the world

There have been near misses with the truck as lorries barrel ahead over our side of the white line and force us off the road (a rule interpreted very differently here in Morocco where the truck coming uphill has the right of way even on your side!)

Road weary, yesterday was a spa day.....rejuvenated once again we headed out to face the gigantic square in Marrakesh which no photo can ever do justice. The bedlam is in a class by itself!

Snake charmers, Bedouin drummers, literally hundreds of stalls selling kabobs, merchants of every kind and a cross section of humanity that gives even a New Yorker pause. Everything costs whatever you'll pay for it and everything is for sale.

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teas upteas up
teas up

Mohammed 1
10000 welcomes10000 welcomes
10000 welcomes

Rhonda + Mohammed 1
berber wiskeyberber wiskey
berber wiskey

Mohammed 2

22nd November 2012

Hey Pat
Ok I'm trying to leave a comment...the first one just disappeared. So, looks like you're having a great trip. Beautiful pictures...God speed and blessings as you experience the awesome beauty and wonder of the people and places you're visiting. Be sure to bring back a few things that we can all ooooh and awww over. Hugs Brave Girl...... Gay
26th November 2012

14th December 2012

Yourn Travel log
Dear Patty & Rhonda, I have been thrilled to read your travel journal whicn I only just discovered, and I wish you greater and greater adventures and discoveries on your way, but be safe please and keep up the contact, the log is wonderful. Very best wishes to all for a Merry Christmas! Much love, a. Daniele

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