Blogs from Essaouira, Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz, Morocco, Africa - page 4


Africa » Morocco » Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz » Essaouira April 17th 2013

Geo: 31.5093, -9.76345Bonjour à tous,Une super journée a Essaouira.Début de journée avec un déjeunée copieux sur la terasse face à la mer. Puis une grande promenade sur la plage et dans les dunes de sables. Rencontre avec dromadaire, chevaux et chêvre. J'ai fait croire a un marocain que j'avais peur de son dromadaire pour qu'il me laisse tranquille. Il m'a pourchassée pour que je flatte son dromadaire. Puis nous sommes revenue dans un grand brouillard. Ce qui est normal à ce temps ci de l'année. Réjean est heureux car il n.y avais pas de soleil. . . un break quoi! Un peu de visite de l'ancienne muraille et ses tours. Un point de vue de la mer exceptionnel, de même que du port.Une visite au port avec ses vieux bateaux en bois. Le savoir des francais ... read more
Terrasse Riad Lyon-Mogador 2
vue de la Terrasse Riad Lyon-Mogador 1
douche du matin

Africa » Morocco » Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz » Essaouira April 16th 2013

Geo: 31.5093, -9.76345Bonjour à tous,La journée a commencé a 5.30 pour prendre le train de 7.00. Bye bye a nos hôtes et nous voici dans un speed taxi. Il a passé sur toute les lumières rouges et les stops (stop en marocain se dit : arretouela). Ben c'est pour vous dire que nous n'étions pas en retard pour une fois. Mais vous ne le croirez pas, il n'y as pas de place à bord du train. Nous avons du prendre celui de 11.00.Donc emplement de temps de prendre un petit café sur la terasse. Nous avons mis tout les chandails que nous avions tellement que c'était frisquet (12c). Après 4-5 cafés. nous avons enfin pu monter a bord. La course au siège est toujours de mise ici! Nous étions avec une petite marocaine, 2-3 femmes déguisé ... read more

5 avril La pluie tombe sur Marrakech à mon réveil, puis se calme, et repart de plus belle au petit-déjeuner. "Parapluiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!" que lance à tue-tête les habituels vendeurs de lunettes-soleil, seuls sous l'orage. La température m'importe peu aujourd'hui. C'est que j'ai prévu me rendre à ma dernière destination pour ensuite boucler la boucle et revenir à Casablanca dans quelques jours. Je prend donc la route, comme je l'avais planifié, et je part pour Essaouira sous la rageuse ondée marocaine. Les sombres nuages ici se vident comme on tord une serviette. Schlack! D'un seul coup... et puis tout s'arrête sèchement. Comme on ferme la radio. J'arrive à la ville portuaire d'Essaouira en fin d'après-midi, somnolent, sous un soleil frileux enseveli sous les couvertures cotonneuses gris-sales des nuages. Les égouts devant la gare routière n'arrivent p... read more
Essaouira de nuit
En noir et blanc

Africa » Morocco » Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz » Essaouira December 26th 2012

We left Marrakech on a Supratours bus to Essaouira. It was full of fellow tourists/travellers and was fairly comfortable. This company is part of the ONCFtrain network and covers the parts of the country where the rails don't go. On arrival at Essaouira there seemed to be a hundred touts from various hostels and riads. We had a reservation so we were able to walk past them all, into the medina and straight to the place we would call home for the next few days. Hotel Riad Nakhla is located down a small alleyway just off the main drag through Essaouira's medina. They were really friendly but if you go there, try to make sure you get a big room. We had a small room for the first night but then moved to a more spacious ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz » Essaouira September 9th 2012

“Don’t judge a book by its cover” – a phrase to live by, even when travelling around the world. Africa, for me, was the undiscovered continent, somewhere that had never been on my radar due to my annual travels around Europe. Turning thirty this year, I was determined to change this and decided to book a trip with G Adventures to Morocco. Why Morocco? Last year’s adventures took me to Turkey, a hybrid European-Asian country, steeped in Islamic traditions, so I thought Morocco was a good foray into Africa, a hybrid European-African country again steeped in similar traditions. After a trans-Atlantic flight from Montreal, I arrived in Casablanca, the romantic, “here’s looking at you kid” city. Of course I didn’t expect it to be in black and white with Humphrey Bogart waiting with a sign as ... read more
Hassan II Mosque, Casablanca
Granary of Moulay Ismail, Meknes.
Stables of Moulay Ismail, Meknes.

Africa » Morocco » Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz » Essaouira August 20th 2012

Essaouira is a city in the western Maroccan economic region of Marrakech-Tensift-Al Haouz, on the Atlantic coast. Since the 16th century, the city has also been known by its Portuguese name of Mogador or Mogadore. The Berber name means the wall, a reference to the fortress walls that originally enclosed the city. The Medina of Essaouira is a UNESCO World Heritage Listed city, as an example of a late 18th century fortified town, as transferred to North Africa. The Medina is home to many small arts and crafts businesses, notably cabinet making and 'thuya' wood-carving (using roots of the Tetraclinis tree), both of which have been practised in Essaouira for centuries. The fishing harbour, suffering from the competition of Agadir and Safi remains rather small, although the catches are surprisingly abundant due to the coastal upwelling ... read more
Inside Essaouira
Fishermen in harbor in fron of Essaouita
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I travelled from Toulouse which is known as the Pink City to another city known as the same for its pink coloured brick, Marrakech. Arriving in Marrakech was like a breath of fresh air, well actually it was 38C that day, but nevertheless, the hustle and bustle, the dust, and the sunshine was all an awakening of the senses. I could not wait to sit at the now familiar Solaris Café on Avenue Mohamed V with a Berber Whiskey (mint tea) and watch life go by. It is actually the place where I watched a Euro Cup game between Italy and Germany; I being one out three women in the whole café, and to my great surprise and relief the majority of men watching all cheered when Italy scored. Initially, I headed out on a 9 ... read more
Entrance to the Oasis Hotel
Camel ride into the desert
Gnawa World Music Festival

(Fun fact: it is freezing in Essaouira at night. I was wrapped up like a cocoon in my blanket last night.) I have sand in places I didn’t even know one could have sand. ‘twas a tad bit windy in Essaouira today! First things first, we had a pretty chill morning where we debated how to spend the rest of the week and such. We opted to have a few more days in Madrid which will be lovely I think :) We had decided today was going to be our beach day – unfortunately the weather didn’t see too keen on that. The wind was howling so bad, we could hear it inside. Didn’t stop us though – or in theory it didn’t. We headed out into the Medina for a bit first – went back ... read more
On the beach
Our supper

(I should preface this post by noting here that Moroccan people are fantastic – they are super nice and friendly. The problem here is the attack on the tourist – it’s that small segment of the population that really ruins the view and atmosphere.) So, I’m a little conflicted right now on my thoughts regarding Morocco. On one hand, I absolutely adore it... and on the other... yeahhhhhhh. Yeah. We had a lovely morning – I really do love our hostel in Marrakech – the staff are so friendly and helpful and it’s just a cozy and homey feeling. I’m glad we’re going back there each time we go back to Marrakech – it will be like coming home after our side trips :) We left our big bags and headed off in search for the ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz » Essaouira April 11th 2012

Saturday Day 28 Kathryn had her baby! I woke to a message announcing Elsa's safe arrival with an accompanying photo which made me ridiculously happy. I should've saved the bottle of wine for today! We left Rabat at 8am and I almost felt sad to be leaving. Almost. I'm told this is the most expensive of the campsites we've been to and yet it has the least facilities. I sat up front with Britt as we drove down the freeway towards Marrakech before veering off and heading for the coast. We're spending four nights in Sidi Kaouki, 20 minutes from Essaouira at a campsite opposite a beach which stretches almost as far as the eye can see in both directions. - and which most made a beeline for once their tents were up. On the other ... read more
Weird tan lines
Guess who?
Ready for the morning

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