Blogs from Mali, Africa - page 2


Africa » Mali June 25th 2011

FACES OF MALI...THE MEN "The most handsome peoples in the World...genetically... come from that strip across Africa between latitude 10 degrees North & latitude 20 degrees North...and the best proportioned people in the World are actually the Dogon people in Mali"... considering the eminence of my advisor...interesting claims indeed!!! We are on a plane from Addis Ababa to Bamako...on my LHS on the aisle is a Senegalese man in a business suit reading a book about "The Consequences of the World Financial Crisis on World Economies"..."rivetting reading" I I had to ask... He was an economist advising African Governments and economic commitees...the book...a somewhat critical issue in Africa at the time... So we chatted about all sorts of critical African issues...what countries were doing well...those that were not...why had I seen so much... read more

Africa » Mali » North-West » Timbuktu June 13th 2011

AU REVOIR MALI...TIMBUKTU TO BAMAKO Last night in Timbuktu...last G & T before I've got two cans of Tonic I bought in Mopti when we loaded up for our pinasse "up the Niger in a leaky boat" to Timbuktu...hey this tonic water is dark brown...tastes erkk..yuk...what... its vitamin tonic..."Bottoms up...salut!" Leave for dinner...waiting for our lift...a young lad no older than 10 entertained us "I am little Tuareg... little Price"...he said as he unrolled a handkerchief and laid out his wares...charming the ladies as only a young Cassanova from Timbuktu I sat back and watched him weave his Tuareg magic with the ladies (and the men)... "I have made an must make an offer to have to make 3 offers"..."But I do not want to"..."You have to...I am little Tuareg, little Price...what ... read more

Africa » Mali » North-West » Timbuktu June 10th 2011

OUR TUAREG WEDDING...FESTIVAL AU DESERT...TIMBUKTU, MALI Guy looked like "Lawrence of Arabia in sunglasses" as he raised his camel whip...whoosh...sway of the layers of his white bou bou. Then with flourish addressed the crowd and the sand dunes dotted with Tuaregs on camels. "I give one time cherish with your life". I grasped my sword hilt to not hit anyone...stepped forward...raised my camel whip and declared "I will protect her till the camels come home." Someone whispered "Thank you for remembering the camels." The Tuaregs trilled and the crowd cheered "Bizzou...bizzou.... kiss...kiss." So how did four Aussies...having gone to Mali to attend the Festival au Desert score a full scale Tuareg wedding? It was an idea that I watered and li... read more

Africa » Mali » Dogon Country May 23rd 2011

For two centuries there were two groups living peacefully in the Dogon country - the Dogon people who were farmers and the Tellem - the meat eaters or pygmy small red people. The land back then was forest and had all the big game animals like the lions. But one day the Dogon people decided to cut trees down to create more land for cultivation. With that, overtime, the lions and other animals left and so too the Tellem. A war happened and the midget sized Tellem lost out and moved on to the forests of Congo and Cameroon or north to Burkina Faso… Who knows? Dogon country is made up in 3 parts – the plateau, the ridge and the plains. Coming from Mopti, Dogon is south about an hours motorbike ride. I organised a ... read more
2 - view from the platea to plain
4 - getting petrol

Africa » Mali » District of Bamako May 22nd 2011

I sat there amongst the rubble that was the Mopti 4WD station. It was dry season and the weather was scorching. At 830am it was already in the 40’s and there was no sign of departure. I waited a few hours, constantly with the thoughts that how much longer do I have to put up with this annoying guide standing by my side and the prospect of leaving at the hottest point of the day. As the time ticked to 10am I questioned my motives for going, ‘Why do you need to go here? Because you have to? Because you can’t say you’ve traveled Africa unless you’ve been to Timbuktu? Come on mate you’re not an explorer. You’re a traveller. There is no need to go there. Just because it’s classed as the ‘Holy Grail’ of ... read more
2 - Djenne bus
3 - the back steets of Djenne
4 - closer look at the mosque

Africa » Mali » West May 10th 2011

Pourquoi Gouina ? Pour ses chutes, leur beauté et l'image qu'elles donnent du Mali, pour la ruralité et l'échange qui peut en résulter entre nos différentes cultures, parce que nord ou sud nous faisons face aux mêmes enjeux, pour les hippopotames, pour, pour le grand potentiel du lieu et sa tranquillité et parce qu'il n'y a pas de moustiques. Le choix d'implantation pour le projet de centre socioculturel s'est aussitôt porté sur les trois bâtiments assez proches des chutes sans y porter non plus préjudice, fortement dégradés mais ayant le mérite d'être déjà existants. Nous voulons les rénover pour les orienter sur 3 domaines : écologique, professionnel et socioculturel. L'observatoire écologique a pour fonction de surveiller le site et de garantir sa sécurité écologique, répertorier et protéger les espèces animales et végétales informer le... read more

Africa » Mali » Dogon Country May 10th 2011

The Dogon are an ethnic group living in the central plateau region of Mali, south of the Niger bend near the city of Bandiagara in the Mopti region. The population numbers between 400,000 and 800,000. The Dogon are best known for their mythology, their mask dances, wooden sculpture and their architecture. The past century has seen significant changes in the social organization, material culture and beliefs of the Dogon, partly because Dogon country is one of Mali's major tourist attractions. The principal Dogon area is bisected by the Bandiagara Escarpment, a sandstone cliff of up to 500m high, stretching about 150 km. To the southeast of the cliff, the sandy Séno-Gondo Plains are found, and northwest of the cliff are the Bandiagara Highlands. Historically, Dogon villages were established in the Bandiagara area in consequence of the ... read more

Africa » Mali » North-West » Timbuktu May 7th 2011

IMAGES OF MALI...FESTIVAL AU DESERT 2011...TIMBUKTU Our encampment is a large circle of tuareg goatskin tents covered in a red dye that brushes off on our clothes and skin...Den & I share with Mike & Ros. I erect my Socceroos flag next to the From Here 2 Timbuktu flag so our Aussie presence is proclaimed...and as it turned out notwithstanding we were 4 among a group of over 20, our encampment was often referred to by others as "the Aussies"...maybe it was our wedding on Day 2 (see next blog)...or maybe it was because we had just lost the Ashes and the Poms among us liked to rub it in...or maybe it was 'cause we had travelled the furthest to be here! Anyway our group was the best of the best...everyone got on well and ... read more

Africa » Mali » North-West » Timbuktu April 21st 2011

IMAGES OF MALI...TIMBUKTU...THE ARRIVAL Sanddunes line the Niger riverbank as our pinasse slides into the port of Korioume...people everywhere...hands grabbing our packs to load into 4WDs or reaching out in the event we are feeling benevolent...goodbyes to Ibrahim & Amadou who will now head downriver...into 4WD with Bastos...telling us this will be the BEST Festival au Desert yet...and the President is coming...belt along tarmac through a grove of Aussie gums...then through sand...through a brick signless gate...BIENVENUE A TOMBOUCTOU..."Welcome to Timbuktu"...we have made it...that fabled of learning...once on the Niger 20kms away...overtaken by the Sahara Desert... Welcome to Timbuktu...the city of 333 Saints...La Mysterieuse Relax & Enjoy, Dancing Dave (who danced, danced and kept on dancing until he got to Timbuktu...(as you do)..... read more

Africa » Mali » North-West » Timbuktu April 13th 2011

FACES OF MALI...TIMBUKTU Many faces partially obscured by the indigo turbans of the Tuareg..or smiling from them...the nomadic peoples of the southern Sahara Desert...strong faces...showing resolve, endurance and handsome all...Tuaregs arriving by camel to trade...but also Songhai (descendents of the Songhai Empire who once controlled the gold & salt trade) & Bozo (fishermen of the Niger) also wear turbans of many colours to protect from the unrelenting strong sun...Felani (nomadic herders & traders) in their distinctive dome hats... We are now in Timbuktu...that mythical location that does exist...and these people bear witness to that... Timbuktu...overtaken by the Sahara Desert...the city of 333 saints...repository for ancient manuscripts...where 3,000 rifles were burnt in 1996 to mark the end of the Tuareg rebellion in the Place de la Paix "the Flame of Peace"... read more

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