Blogs from Ethiopia, Africa - page 100


Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa June 14th 2005

I am so sorry this is my first time I have had to blog in a few days. It is a strange feeling that so many people are following my journey and are waiting for new entries. It takes a long time to write down your thoughts and pick out pictures from the hundreds I have trying, to add to the story, so thanks for your support. I will keep it up if I think people want to hear what I have to say. Oh, please excuse the poor editing. I do the best I can, but quite honestly, at times I am typing through blurring eyes that are tired. I don’t catch every mistake. I will edit later when my schedule is not so demanding. And, yes for all those polite questions on whether I ... read more
Carrying heavy loads
Trading Goods

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Bahir Dar June 13th 2005

June 11 This morning we took a flight from Addis to Bahir Dar in the northern part of Ethiopia. I have to say today was the day that the fact that I lost my bags affected me the most. I wished for my bag of clothes and personal items first and got them. Now coming here I would have traded my clothes for the bag with supplies. How selfish am I that I wanted” my stuff” first, for fresh clothes. The people here have basically nothing. The few things that I brought to Africa would have made so many so happy. Bahir Dar is one of the poorest regions in the country; it has the highest infection rate of HIV, battles Malaria and TB. It is a city of about 100,000. Most of the people live ... read more
Market Day
Women go to market
Blue Nile Falls

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa June 10th 2005

This morning I spent most of the day in the hotel, but this afternoon I got to see the Ethiopian Health System close up. We toured a typical clinic and a private hospital. I have to say driving through the city of Addis, there are 10’s of thousands of people just walking around. The city has around 3 million people. There is nothing new here except this hotel and a new park that the same billionaire owner of the hotel built. This city is old and over crowded really falling down in most parts. The Ethiopian people, especially now with the current situation, are very guarded and quiet, yet friendly in a strange way. Taking pictures of people causes fear unless you ask permission. Therefore, in these few pictures, that is the reason there are no ... read more
 The hospital lab...
Private Hospital

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa June 10th 2005

Where do I begin? I got to Amsterdam and after I blogged, I was waiting in a room to board a plane to Addis and people kept saying they were going to Khartoum (“cartoon”) which was in the Sudan. So I was confused and found out that the plane stopped in Khartoum to drop off and pick up people and fuel. I almost missed my flight by not wanting to get on. But all went well… I sat next to a Canadian citizen who ran away from here (Ethiopia) 17 years ago to avoid army service. He was coming home to take his wife back to Canada for the first time after 9 years of marriage. Very smart guy with lots of stories and tips for my travel in his country. It made the long journey ... read more
Addis Ababa Sheraton
Houses on the other angle of my view

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Lalibela May 28th 2005

A brothel/bar in Lalibela. 4:35am. Xavier knocks on the door: "Khwaja?" I had set my own alarm but forgot to turn it on. Good to have a travel companion. We exchange sparse words: I'm going to shit. More use of that excellent newspaper we bought. Our bags are packed and ready from the previous night. Lalibela has chronic water shortage and I haven't showered since we left Addis Ababa 6 days ago. I smell awful. X coughed all night; he's developed a dry rasping cough over the last couple of days. We went to bed around 8:30 but neither of us got much sleep. The brothel manager is patiently waiting for us to leave so she can go back to sleep. Two baby calves emerge from the bathroom area; in Turkish villages they also keep young ... read more
More Blue Nile Falls
Yet more Blue Nile Falls
Villager girls near Lalibela

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa March 27th 2003

Dear Everyone! Firstly thank you very much for all the great emails you've sent us. We are sorry that we cant always reply to you all, the internet is unbelievably expensive in Ethiopia, if we could, then we would. Now on to what you are really reading this for, where are we?!?! Addis Ababa. And as for getting on. We took a mix of public transport to the Sudan / Ethiopia border, including a luxury bus (video, food and drinks) and another truck, this one smaller with both of us crammed in the back with numerous people, bags, freight and donkey trailers. Crossing the border was very easy, but there were only the two of us not 25 in a big truck. Just fill in a form, another stamp in the passport and away we ... read more
Injera, fasting food
A 'monk' in his hole, Lalibela
Beta Giorgis, Lalibela

Africa » Ethiopia » Oromia Region October 30th 2000

Round-the world plane ticket: $1069. 4-hour minibus ride over bumpy road with suicidal driver: 13 birr. Leading 25 enthusiastic local kids in a chorus of "You, you, you!" in Hagaramariam, Ethiopia: priceless. We got our first real lesson not to trust someone. We finally found a bus to Moyale from Hagaramariam but there was SO MUCH CONFUSION about the price. Locals say it's 13 birr but they want 30. Language difficulty or opportunity to soak the white folks? Then more birr for the luggage storage?? Mike said, "No, give me a better price." But this guy Hassin, sitting near us, said, "Mike, just pay." They did drop the price a bit and everything was settled. Hassin's wife had a horrible car accident and is in the hospital in Moyale but he is traveling to Nairobi(??) He ... read more
Hangin' with Antene and Bruik in Moyale

Africa » Ethiopia October 27th 2000

After one full day in bed (stomach yuks) and another researching bus routes at the autobustera in Mercato, I've decided there are NO sights like in the book. Just more overcrowded gutters with more people begging. Walking back from the bustera among the dusty citizens, each one as amazed as the next upon encountering us, Mike said, "I'm glad we wore these baggy clothes." I couldn't help laughing, "Yeah, because now we blend in." Walking back to the Piazza area was like coming back to sanity. How could I ever have imagined that? We're actually going to forgo the pre-paid 2-hour plane ride to Nairobi and take a 4-day bus ride instead. Mike wants to see more of the country and although I do, too, I wouldn't dream of doing this if he didn't suggest it. ... read more
Mike with camera-friendly local kids in Shashemene
Our accomodations

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa October 19th 2000

Addis Ababa isn't like any other city I've seen. There's no public transport into town, just a swarm of taxi drivers who all want to negotiate a 3-hour tour of the city. We found a driver who'll take us for 40 birr ($5). If only we had a guidebook! We're at the mercy of what little info we have and any of the cabbie's suggestions which, of course, keep costing us more money. But he drove us to Piazza, to a street between 2 hotels. Mike checked them out and negotiated for the price of the cab + the hotel (package deal, I guess.) 4 nights for 260 birr. The room's shabby but clean-ish. The electrical system is scary as hell but there is an attached bathroom. This is one poverty-saturated city. The pretty pictures in ... read more

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