Blogs from Cameroon, Africa - page 3


Africa » Cameroon » South » Yaoundé January 1st 2009

We made it safely to Yaounde' Cameroon after almost 3 full days of travel. We had two overnight flights and had some restless (seated) sleep on the planes. Exhausted to the point of brain damage. Tantoh, the man organizing the work we are conducting and community leader from the village we will visit, is an amazing personality. He is very animated, lively, and is excited that we are here. He has mentioned that the TBI program he participated is finally creating impact by all of us arriving. Bryon VL would be so proud and excited to hear him talk about the impact the program has had (even if it is 1.5 years later that the major impact is felt!). All of our luggage made it safely except for Cathy's personal bag. I feel terrible for her ... read more

Africa » Cameroon » West » Bamenda December 29th 2008

Map of travel route attached.... read more

Africa » Cameroon » West » Bamenda December 29th 2008

Getting ready to leave tomorrow. Wanting a way to keep in touch without having to memorize everyone's email addresses! Be back in 2009. ... read more

Africa » Cameroon » North » Garoua August 13th 2008

Pictures of Eva from Cameroon, Central African Republic, Liberia, Nigeria and Senegal.... read more
Cameroon Evawith Nyiwe
Cameroon Louis&Eva
Cameroon archBabba

Africa » Cameroon May 22nd 2008

The Republic of Cameroon, located in the heart of Africa at the cross points of West and Central Africa, is full of mystery, tales, and stories. Cameroon is one of the oldest countries in Africa. The creation of what is now Cameroon remounts to 8000 BC and was considered as a meeting point of cultures, ethnic groups and peoples. The country is blessed with miles of cost line, beautiful beaches and gorgeous mountains and picks, rain forest and waterfalls, and wildlife and savannas. Modern day Cameroon started in 1472 with the arrival of the slave traders and colonial masters known as the Portuguese explorers. Their boats took them to the top of the Wouri River which they named Rio dos Camaroes, hence giving the country its actual name. Travel in West Africa is an enormous challenge ... read more
Central station Yaounde
Le Car
... by car

Africa » Cameroon February 25th 2008

New things I now eat: I love pickles. Once I loved pickles the way I love ice cream. I am becoming tolerant and even care for eggplant (small pieces) and I do like green olives! My host father is very happy that I can eat cooked apples and not ones that grow from the tree. I love food. I thought I loved dark chocolate, and I do, I just don't like REALLY dark chocolate because it tastes not good. Today, Tuesday, I do not have class until 3:25pm. This is quite nice because I usually get to have a relaxing awakening and then decide what to do for the first part of the day. Today, I awoke at 10:00am, and decided to clean or "uklízet". I began by organizing my room and removing my suitcase and ... read more
My new purple and yellow shoes!
Franciscian Garden.
Who are you!

Africa » Cameroon » South » Kribi February 13th 2008

On the night of the semis of the Africa Cup between Cameroon and Ghana, me, Audrey, Brian, John, Dave and Cam went to town to see the match on the big screen, it was very lively, crowds dancing and cheering, I have never experienced this kind of excitement watching on big screen TV, the crowd welcomed us, urging us to join in and Brian did his girlie dance to Cam's amusement. Eventually Cameroon won and will play Egypt in the finals. There was a commotion early on as a Ghana fan almost got beaten up on the bleachers just above where John is sitting, got worried for a bit as we dont know how rowdy the fans would become, anyway the fan escaped without harm. Dancing and cheering with the locals we made our way back ... read more

Africa » Cameroon » South » Yaoundé February 8th 2008

Have to cross a bridge to get to Cameroon and soon as we entered we were in for a long arduous drive as potholes are everywhere on the dirt track, the only consolation is it is through dense forest, lots of tree and we saw some wildlife as well, monkeys and hornbills among others. A few small villages we passed through kids yelling out White, white, white or white people at the truck and waves at us enthusiastically. We stopped at a small town to buy food for lunch hardly anything, Our group is cooking tonite but we have to do truck lunch meaning whatever we have in the truck, tins and what not we made sheperds pie or a variation of it, Jo was not well so Dave and I did the cooking, apparently turned ... read more

Africa » Cameroon » West » Limbe December 27th 2007

After several hours at the Nigerian side of the border trying to exit that country, we ended up spending the night at the Cameroon border post as we were already hitting night fall by the time entry was being sorted out. This is the real disadvantage to group travel, because border crossings take 10 times longer when you're trying to get 20 people and a large truck across. Christmas day was one to remember. We drove a total of 36km in 8 hours, the roads were that bad. This, after several locals and police men had told us the roads were very good. In fact, they were good because they were dry. During the wet season our truck would not have had a chance at getting through. We made it the rest of the way to ... read more
And the roads get better...
Stressed out driver
Bad roads 1

Africa » Cameroon » West » Douala December 25th 2007

Leaving Oslo The buzzer went of at 04:15, as programmed, and up we went. It was cold, -11 centigrade, and Anja didnt want to leave the warm cosy bed, but I managed to kick here out of it. We hurried to the airport with all our luggage. It looked like we were going on a major expedition, as we had no less than 14 kollis. The girl at the checkin counter made huge eyes, but went along with it, and sent us off, despite us beeing a little bit over the limit. Security wasn't to bad at this early hour, but there were thousands of people in the departing area, as a lot of charter flights where leaving at the same time as us. 10 minutes prior to boarding, my brother decided he needed some cash, ... read more
Dining at Mediterranee

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