Blogs from South America - page 4


South America » Chile » Coquimbo Region » Pisco Elqui March 29th 2024

In the narrow country, there are only two directions to choose from - north or south. With snow still in and out of the Lake District, heading north seemed like a reasonable choice, so we headed to La Serena, 7 hours north of Valparaiso. At least a 7-hour bus ride allows you to see amazing nature, unlike flying, so the trip went pretty quickly. Fortunately the Chilean buses are closer to Argentinian standards than those in Bolivia or Peru!La Serena is a large seaside resort in the summer, but was quite quiet in the off-season. Arriving early in the evening, food was again on the priority list, and after checking out the pizzeria we recommended, red wine was on my mind. Unfortunately, the waiter decided to leave out the fact that they were out of red ... read more

South America » Chile » Easter Island March 29th 2024

How do you take a vacation that includes a lot of things you've always wanted to do but never expected to be able to do even better...? Do another one!Convinced by the author of Footprints Chile that we really shouldn't miss it and Lan Chile is a good deal, we decided to go back more than 4000 km. From the Pacific Ocean to Easter Island (Isla de Pascua as the Chileans know it). I didn't even realize it was Chilean territory until recently.As a tourist destination it is quite a remote place...nearest neighbor is the Pitcairn Islands about 2000 km would a Polynesian or European explorer ever find this that place (not the idea of ​​going back home) is incomprehensible to me.I imagined since I was a child that I would see this place one ... read more

South America » Paraguay » Asunciòn March 25th 2024

Many of us took a transport from Argentina to Paraguay some time recently the rest of the bunch in arrange to sort out my Brazil visa issues. The Brazilian Government office in Bolivia denied me a visa since my bank explanations didn´t have my title on them, fair my account number. No sum of clarifying that my bank does that for security reasons was progressing to make them issue me a visa. So I made a few articulations with my title on them prepared for my another visa endeavor. Recently I connected for the visa at the Asuncion International safe haven equipped with my bank statements and they didn´t indeed inquire for them. I couldn´t indeed donate them absent! And rather than a 48 hour turnover, my visa was prepared to choose up in three hours. ... read more

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca March 24th 2024

We went through three days in Puno, which sits on the edge of Lake Titicaca. The others did an overnight trip to Amantani Island but I remained in Puno to recuperate from my parasite contamination. Six days of bed, pharmaceutical and spasms did not make me lose weight, how can that happen? The lodging in Puno was so unused, they were still staying mirrors on the dividers as we checked in. I didn´t intellect Puno, decent eateries, pleasant individuals. I at last attempted Guinea Pig, it tasted like broil pork. I wouldn´t arrange it once more unless it came with the meat off the bone, it takes as well long to discover the meat on such a little creature.... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz March 24th 2024

Bolivia is astounding! We went through three days in La Paz where the remaining ten individuals joined our visit. We presently have a full truck. La Paz may be a lovely city and I´d unquestionably go back there. We went through a day driving down the ´most perilous street within the world´ by 4WD. A few others did it on bike but my bicycle abilities are miserable with handle brakes. The street contains a notoriety for being perilous since it´s a rock street around a mountain with as it were one path for two vehicles. Presently there´s a modern fixed street for drivers to utilize. The Brazilian Government office in La Paz denied me my Brazil visa since my bank articulations didn´t have my title on them, fair my account number. When I attempted to clarify ... read more

South America » Argentina » Salta March 24th 2024

No more elevation!! Salta is like being in Sydney -- dry warm, catholic eateries and cafes and more dry warm. Our campsite is recorded as the finest in South America. God help the rest of South America. It could be a shit gap with one monster swamp/pool within the center. A few of us overhauled to a adjacent lodging and I´m cherishing it. Cheap and cheerful with a pool. The final seven weeks have been difficult with the cold and elevation. I am not cut out for cold climate. From here on it'll be hot, hot, hot!... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz March 24th 2024

A low, slow, eery murmur fills the air. A weird, wakening, growling whisper that intrudes out of nowhere. Prompting part-parched eyelids to eke apart as the first flirtations of early morning pink filter through a canopy of Amazon trees. See the dozen fat mosquitoes, content, inside the peak of the mosquito net, having earlier snuck entrance, and supped. Instinctively move limbs away from the dropped sides of the mesh protection, away from the five dozen, and more, ravenous insects sitting outside eagerly waiting to take their own sip from a misplaced forearm or calf. Touch the screen, and lose a drop. Again, the strange moan from beyond rises, like the lowest low of a cow driven by the sound of a breeze through a forest of leaves. Sounds are generally processes of orientation. They let you ... read more
Downtown Trinidad
'Gator under a town bridge - approx 60-70cm
Between here and there - Trinidad

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires March 23rd 2024

Between Antarctica and Uruguay, we stayed in the nice Paz Hotel, getting a taxi from the EZE airport. This hotel was near where we had previously stayed at the Sheraton with Atlas Ocean Voyages. This time, we just had one short night before our ferry to Uruguay early the next morning. I chose the location because we would be able to walk to the ferry terminal. I looked up nearby restaurants for dinner and found a speakeasy with good reviews. So, I booked at the Floreria Atlantico a few weeks ahead of time and now it was time to check it out. It was about 3 blocks walking distance and we passed by a flower shop and stopped outside a little restaurant bar area. I thought I had read that you go through the flower shop ... read more
First speakeasy
National History Museum
Floreria Atlantico

South America » Uruguay » West » Colonia del Sacramento March 22nd 2024

The bus station in Montevideo was actually very nice and the 3-hour journey to Colonia del Sacramento was easy. We arrived at the station and got tickets pretty quickly, with assigned seats. We waited in the main terminal which was nice and clean until it was time to board our bus, which was mostly on time. We were seated toward the back and continued to pick up people at some small stops along the way until there was standing room only, though it was not super crowded like I had seen on other buses in Latin America. We arrived in Colonia del Sacramento a little after 12 and made our way 10 blocks (approximately 1km) to our hotel: Posada Plaza Mayor. It was a very easy, pleasant walk. I mean, two minutes in town and it ... read more
Posada Plaza Mayor
Colonia del Sacramento
Colonia del Sacramento

After our return from Ushuaia, we stayed at the nice hotel, Palacio Paz, near our previous Sheraton Hotel and in a nice park setting. I'll go more into some random nights in Buenos Aire later, but this was just a holdover for our early morning ferry to Montevideo, Uruguay. We checked out of the hotel around 5:30am and walked about 20 minutes to the Buquebus Terminal. Here, we had a very easy, smooth check-in, including immigration for both Argentina and Uruguay in one location. It is a lovely terminal and we just got some juice and coffee while we waited to board. Our ferry was almost empty so we had our pick of seats. I slept 2 of the 3-hour ride to Montevideo. On arrival, we quickly picked up our backpacks and exited the terminal. I ... read more
Plaza Independencia
Mercado del Puerto
Museum of the Andes 1972

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