Oceans and Seas » Arctic » Norwegian Sea
August 6th 2011
Published: August 10th 2011
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Scenic Cruising

This morning we slowly cruised into Magdalene Fiord located on the northernmost northwestern shore of Spitsbergen, the northernmost island of the Svalbard archipelago. The latitude here is about 79 degrees. The fiord is relatively small about five miles deep and three miles wide at it widest point. The mountains are stark and steep. The only vegetation is moss but the moss is a carpet of greens, reds and oranges. It’s really colorful. At one time there was a whaling station here but that was long ago and it was surprising to see a two-tent research facility on the shore with a small-beached zodiac. There was a sailboat moored in a little cove. At the terminus is the Lillichook Glacier. That is the only glacier still reaching the water. Others have retreated up the mountain. The Captain turned the ship on its axis so we all could get a good view and then we headed out into open sea to search for the ice cap.
The Captain estimated that we would reach the ice cap around 3:00 so I headed for team trivia where we really bombed but it is always fun. Joined Jean for lunch and began spotting ice right away. In the middle of my salad the Captain announced that we were in the ice field much sooner than he had expected. Since I can eat anytime I excused myself, bundled up and headed up on deck. The wind was from the north and was pushing the ice to the south. We could see the ice cap on the horizon but the Captain made sure that we were well away and steamed very slowly through the ice sheet. It is so bleak and colorless under a grey sky but still beautiful in its own way. Every now and then I would spot a berg with some color. One was a brilliant turquoise blue striped with a band of dark navy blue. After taking pictures and drinking in the scene it was time for a hot soak and a nap.
Had dinner in the Lido for this first time since there was a Hold’em tournament that would conflict with dinner. Not many folks up there so I could get a seat. Had a NY strip that was very tasty. As far as the tournament was concerned I had yucky cards and played poorly and was the third one out. The casino is nearly empty all the time. That must be the most boring job on the ship.
Went to the cabin and fell asleep while reading. Awoke to the Captain announcing that we had lost power and were operating on the emergency generator. Since we lost propulsion we would be feeling the movement. Shortly after that he announced that the fumes were the diesel exhaust from the emergency generators and if was too bad we should go up on deck for the fresh air.

So here I am wondering if I should get up and dressed warmly, collect my meds jewelry and money and stand by. I was thinking about the Carnival Splendor that lost power off the coast of Mexico last year and wondered who would be able to come to our aid up here in the Arctic Ocean. Before I could act, the Captain came on to say that we good to go. As soon as we were moving, the air conditioning would be turned out to clear out the fumes. Time to roll over and dream nice dreams.


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