The Long Await

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June 19th 2014
Published: June 19th 2014
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The long await has begun, waking up from a nice sleep in as I do not know the next time I will be getting a good night sleep. The nerves are fine at this point until I step out of my room for the first time today, only to find that I have several notes all over my door from my friends wishing me luck and not to leave until they have finished their exams.

Now the nerves have well and truly set in, I have gone through my bags at least 4 times now taking stuff out and adding other stuff in. How do you place importance on items what makes one thing more important than another, I ended up sacrificing my clothing in order to make room for more teaching supplies which I could simply not leave behind.

Aiden offered to drive me to the station, which yes I could have walked to and would have been far less stressful, as Aiden thinks it is extremely funny to stress me out with all the what if situations. What if you miss the train? Well I did not miss the train and what a send of Gemma and Aiden gave me. I got to take some amazing photos of my last sunset in Australia and I boarded the train bound for Melbourne.

Luckily Tush and Hannah were both on the train which made that trip simply fly by, saying goodbye to Hannah just left Tush and myself. Thank God Tush knows Melbourne and was able to point me in the right direction to find my shuttle bus out to Melbourne Airport. Finally at Melbourne Airport after a long days travel I look forward to getting some food and being able to relax knowing that I will not be late, but 7 hours early.

I was almost asleep when this man come and woke me up, I thought for sure I would be getting in trouble for sleeping on the ground at the Airport, however he wanted to know what time my flight was in the morning, as he had seen that I was not yet checked in. There was another lady standing beside him, I was sure she was going to burst into tears at any moment. The man informs me that she is Russian and does not speak a single word of English, instantly I think of Paul Malov as I only just found out that he can speak Russian.

This man wants to know if I can help this lady get on her plane to visit her son in Sydney at 6am in the morning. I could not say no to her, so the man explained what was going to happen and that I would help her when it came time to get on the plane. Only seconds after he leaves does she begin to try and talk to me, I cannot understand her and she has no idea what I am saying.

However after many attempts i figured out that she was trying to connect to the internet to Skype her son. So for the next 2 hours both her and I Skype her son as he can speak English and was translating for both of us. So what I thought would be a boring 7 hour wait at the Airport has been an experience at the least.

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