White Water Body Boarding

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January 8th 2012
Published: January 8th 2012
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Just re-reading Paul's last blog entry .... It we thought we were achy after the sea kayaking, that was nothing to how we are feeling this morning. River boarding in the Kawarau gorge yesterday was fantastic ... It involved floating down a river gripping on to a bodyboard, negotiating white water rapids and large rocks. Then once we had done this we were pulled behind a jetski to an area where there were rock jumps, water slides and rope swings to play on. Paul jumped from a 12.5 metre rock which was VERY high! despite having already jumped out of a plane from 15,000 feet this holiday that was too high for me. Paul refers to it as my 'fear of small heights'!

After that we sat by the gorge to watch jet boats taking groups of tourists up and down the river at high speed. Then we rewarded ourselves with a trip to some hot tubs to soak away the aches and pains from the unintended belly flops and face slaps from jumping into the water at odd angles!

We found ourselves at a quiet basic campsite last night which had a beautiful view of mountains. Today we head on towards Mt Cook for the night. We have just visited a salmon farm where we fed the salmon and then bought some for dinner tonight. We are now having elenvenses in a cafe in a town called Twizel! F

P.s. our photo of the dolphins was nominated for photo of the week by the blog site!

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9th January 2012
Paul in hot tub

Proud man
Photo of the week?
9th January 2012

Hot Pot
How to tell when he's done?

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