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January 6th 2024
Published: January 7th 2024
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My my does time fly......
I've been working and living in Queenstown for seven weeks now, but it dies but feel that long at all. Besides my job at the hostel I've also started working at a restaurant. So I'm working around 60h every week. The days I work the morning shift the hostel and the evening at Blue Kanu I crawl out of bed at seven work for 8½h have an between 30min and 1½h of free time in which I also habe to get ready and walk to my evening shift and then get back to the hostel between 11pm and 12:30am. So when I'm only working the afternoon shift at the hostel I spend my morning catching up on rest. Same on my free days, in which I also do stuff like my laundry and grocery shopping or some meal prepping for the long work days. Which is why I'll cancel my gym membership. With both Jobs I just don't have the time or energy to make it to Frankton (30min busride) 4 times a week. I'm really sad about the stretching class I've been taking, but playing 24NZD per week for one class just dosn't make sense. Especially singe there are cheaper gyms in Queenstown. On the 23rd I went out with some german girls I met at the hostel so I spent christmas eve sleeping in, making and having a christmas dinner like we do at home and then working the evening at the restaurant. To benifit from holiday pay (50% extra) I volunteered to work christmas day, eventhough I'm normally of on mondays. Which also ment I worked 47h at the hostel alone between the holidays. With the Blue Kanu hours added in the week between the holidays, that is usually a sheer endless period of relaxinh and quality time with family, passed in a blur. But I was off in new years eve and day at the hostel so I went out with friends to celebrate. First we went Bowling and the we visited another friend at the bar she was working at before watching the fireworks at the lake. New Years day I went out for some Berliner before working at the restaurant in the evening. Tomorrow I'll go canyonning in Ruthburn for the day, I'm really exited for that. I also just booked a river surfing activity for sunday next week. Besides that I've been to a few more indoor skydiving lessons. It's really fun, nur gives me really mean muscel pain the next day. Right now I am sitting at the lake enjoying the beautifull weather and eating some delicious chocolates that are locally made.
I promise to let you know how my river adventures went. I'll talk to you soon.

(Also: I git my phone charging thingy repaird a few weeks back and now it stopped working again. They will repair it for free this time, becuse the new part must have been faulty, however it takes forever to be delivered so I haven't ja my phone for days. Which is also why there aren't a lot of pictures for this post. Fingers crossed for monday.)


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