Neptune Islands...and the drought of Great White sharks...

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Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Port Lincoln
April 11th 2024
Published: May 12th 2024
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Happy Mother Day to all South African Mums! Made it back to "home" this morning, I spotted tons of oceanic black tips, bull sharks, greater hammerheads, scalloped hammerhead, guitar sharks, and even a grouper! But I'm getting lost, this entry is about the last top experience of one more special Australian trip!

The day started early in Hobart. Uber to the airport...lounge, even small one, from Qantas was a very nice experience. Today, my lovely wife is flying Hobart-Sydney to home in's Sunday and tomorrow she is back in the office! For's lounge time in Hobart...than lounge time in Sydney...and finally lounge time in Adelaide. Let speak about the lounge time experience while flying domestically Australia! I love the decent wine, I love the decent salad bar...and those toasties machines are more than a killer success! I slept on planes...replenished in between. No is not that bad!

My final destination today is Port Lincoln, South Australia. The shuttle is not it's a small town and the guy in charge cannot be everywhere. So I'm happy, I'm spotting the top cook that is going to feed us the next few days on the Rodney Fox liveaboard...he has a ride, I'll tag along! Apologies if you are a little lost about the writing. This entry was all about providing amazing pictures of Great White Sharks...and none were the drama will have to come from somewhere else!!

To spot Great White, you have three places in the world! I name Guadalupe in Mexico, on a liveaboard. You had Gansbaai near Cape Town as well as Port Lincoln in South Australia. Guadalupe has been closed by the Mexican authorities since January 2023. Gansbaai hasn't seen a proper sighting of Great White for the last 6-7 years due to Killer Whales activity. So Port Lincoln is the only place left. Sad reality, on arrival, they hadn't spotted a great white for 48 days...and today, over a month later, it's 12 weeks with zero sighting...and no clear idea why. Let's hope this will change fast.

Rodney Fox can take 20 divers on a pretty basic, but comfortable boat. Here, it's mainly 3 nights stays. We don't move too far away from Port Lincoln...the navigation to Neptune Islands is just over 6 hours. Good news, Rodney Fox has a policy of 50% discount of next trip if you do not sight any Great White on that trip. I'll be back, and with some luck this will be end of 2023...but for me to book, we need them to be back!

Rodney Fox is also the only boat with a cage that is going down to 22's basically a lift attached to a crane. I may be close to 1500 dives, it was a special experience, especially on the first dive with pretty low visibility.

i did spot a mako sharks as well as gummy sharks and many eagle rays. Could have done all this without the cage...but hey, the big guys could be back anytime.

I hope you enjoy the pictures. It will give you a good idea of the experience. Diving with the Australian Sea Lions was also super special. It's only three meters deep, but the diving gears allow me much better close interaction!

Next blog, well, why not a little one about the place we call home for already over 18 months, I call Bali!

Stay safe, travel, and hopefully enjoy few bubbles!

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