Life Underground

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June 14th 2019
Published: June 16th 2019
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The Lookout Cave Underground Hotel
As we were driving along the Stuart Highway towards Coober Pedy, we were constantly amazed at the changing landscape. Silly me I've forgotten the gadget that downloads my big cameras photos to my iPad so I'll need to post them later.

I'd booked us into the Lookout Cave Underground Motel. Our room was fantastic but way too modem to give us a appreciation of what it was really like living underground.the fan had to be on 24/7 to circulate the air and keep the room cool as it was a constant 25 degrees underground. I did get a bit concerned when every morning there'd be chips off the wall on the floor and bedhead. Unfortunately we didn't find any opal.

We did the mail run tour our first day. The tour is run by a local man named Peter who is an Australian Post Contractor delivering mail to Oodnadatta and Willian Creek as well as remote cattle stations including the words largest 'Anna Creek Station' crossing through the worlds longest man-made structure, the Dingo fence. The tour also included stops to see relics of the old Ghan Railway Line. I was amazed at Algebuckina Bridge. This bridge was built in the 1800's and is sill standing today. All the wood sleepers haven't survived but there's still enough to be impressive. It was great to stop into the different properties delivering mail, chatting with the owners and workers. Even the farm dogs loved the extra attention.

After a well earned sleep in we decided to have a look around town and check out the local sights. Theres a number of movie props around town and the easiest to find was the space ship from Pitch Black. We checked out the Catacomb Underground Church and cemetery. The highlight was watching the Joey feeding at Josephine's Gallery and Kangaroo Orphanage. I was lucky enough to feed one of the older kangaroos and received a kiss from the joey who was very affectionate. The Orphanage is run by volunteers and survivors on donations.They just received a small Joey that day that had been found in its dead mother's pouch by some tourists. While we were in town we noticed a few tourist buses and realised they were from the Ghan ..... that will be us in a few weeks.

Next Stop ... The Rock, Uluru

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Only water we saw on the Mail Run Tour

Museum in Oodnadatta Railway Station

Space Ship from the movie Pitch Black

Love the murals around town

Josephine's Kangaroo Orphanage

16th June 2019

Looks Great!!
Hey Rae and Jo, love the look of the underground motel and church!! Shame about not finding opals though!! As always, a great read so keep up the good work. Have fun!
17th June 2019

Loving the Blog!!
Keep it coming, living the pics and the stories! Thanks for sharing!!

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